I missed you

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Lilly's POV
I need to get out of this house. I've been in my room for weeks now, this can't be healthy. I wanna get up and leave but what if I see him again. What would I say? What would I do? I can't keep hiding and avoiding him though. I'm an adult not a child. I laid in my bed staring blankly at the ceiling sniffling. I thought about places I could go to take a breather and leave my environment. Maybe the park? I blinked away tears that fought to come out but lost. I sat up and felt a ping of pain in my chest. Maybe I should lay back down? No Lilly you need to get out of your room and get some fresh air. My thoughts argued with each other as if they were people. I stood up and walked to my bathroom. I flicked on the lights and turned on the shower. I didn't look in the mirror because I simply knew I didn't look to good. I stripped and stepped in the shower. The hot water shot at my skin and burned. I jumped back but eased into it letting my muscles untwist the knots they were in. I thought to myself that maybe all I needed was shower and not fresh air. But that thought vanished away and I decided to go to the park. Maybe it won't be bad and I'll feel a little better. Just maybe.

Yousef's POV
I miss her. I know my actions were hurting her, but I didn't know they were breaking her. Every time I'd close my eyes I'd get a replay of our last encounter. I'll never erase the image of the hurt in her eyes and voice. The words of her saying 'she'll never be fixed' ran threw me like it was my own blood. I sat on my couch lost in thought like I was hypnotized. I heard Muffin and Dollar barking and I was broken from my trance. I walked to there little cage and unlocked it. I sat down as they continued to bark and jump on me. I started to smile a little. If they weren't here I wouldn't have it. I figured it's been a while since there last walk. I grabbed there leashes and my shoes and headed to the park. It'll do some good to get of the house. We walked around the park and the fresh air felt good. I sat down on a bench and let Muffin and Dollar go nuts in the dog park area. I pulled out my phone and scrolled though twitter.

Lilly's POV
I sat on the bench and took a deep breath. The fresh air did some good but not enough of which I wanted. I leaned back and shut my eyes. L.A wasn't as sunny as it usually was. In fact it was very gloomy. It looked as if it was gonna rain. The chilled air felt calming and good though. I opened my eyes at looked at my surroundings. I saw pets, kids, and couples. I was taken aback by the couples. I remembered how we used to walk thr- NO Lilly no more sulking you are out of your room and outside. You cannot keep thinking about the bad and not focus on the good. Where has that gotten you? No where that's where. My thoughts battled for who would win. No winner was won. I looked ahead and saw a dog running. It reminded me of Dollar. The puppy got closer and closer until it was on my lap. "Wooooaaah what are you doing?" I questioned the dog as if it could respond. It licked my face as if it knew me. I smiled a little. I pulled away and searched for his tag. I found it and it read 'Dollar'. I froze as I read the name. Yousef is here? No it can't be he probably hired someone? Right? I shook my head and looked around for him. I didn't see him in close enough sight. I slowly pulled out phone and dialed his number. I stared his contact name hesitantly not pushing the call button. What am I gonna say? Oh your dog found its way on my lap come and get it. I don't wanna talk to him but I can't keep Dollar. I hit call and heard the faint rings. I already was regretting my decisions. "Lilly?" I heard his voice say through the line. "Ummmm hi" I said hesitantly. "Hey, um how are you?" He sounded concerned. Why is he now suddenly concerned about how I'm feeling. "Ummm Dollar found his way to me in the park I was calling to see where you were so I can bring him back to you." I said avoiding his question. What was I supposed to respond with? Oh I'm an emotional wreck that's locked herself in her room for the last couple weeks and cried herself to sleep all the time. No. Not happening. "Oh, I didn't notice he left the area. I'm over by the fountain." I heard him say. I felt a rush of anxiety rush through me. "Okay I'll bring him over." I hung up before he could answer. I leaned back and shut my eyes tighter than I thought I could. I could feel the tears yearning to come out. I looked over to Dollar who was just panting. I stood up and picked up Dollar. I walked slowly to the fountain when I saw him. Every bit of me desired to run away. I let the desire win and turned around. I ran off not daring to look behind. "Lilly wait up!" I heard his voice yell from behind me making me stop dead in my tracks. So close. Here we go another emotional moment I'll add in for later.

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