Chapter 1

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What is this based off on?: Persona 4 FES (Game)

Pairing: Kanji x Yu

Copyright: I do not own these characters nor do I own the setting in which this story takes place. All I own is the plot and dialogue which I have made up.

A/N: This is my first fanfiction! I am generally new to writing but I have some background in creative writing! Please leave some feedback and constructive criticism. If you notice any grammatical errors etc. please let me know immediately! I hope you all enjoy this fanfiction.


Yu fell down at the Shadow's hard hitting impact. The Shadow was significantly stronger than Yu, leaving him intimidated, yet hopeful that he could win this fight. He'd call one of his friends for assistance, but they were caught up in the midst of battle, leaving them to fend for themselves. The excruciating pain hit Yu, making him tear up. The pain from his leg didn't help either. A few days ago, Yu accidentally tripped, leaving him with a limp. He didn't want to tell his teammate about this event. for they would worry. Yu didn't want that. Him being the leader of their rag tag team of teens fighting Shadows, he didn't want to stress them further. He stared at the Shadow, who seemed to be blood thirsty, who's mind seemed to be filled with bad intentions. The monster lunged towards Yu, but, in the knick of time, Kanji appeared, filling in the gap between the Shadow and Yu. After a few seconds of back and forth punches, Kanji defeated the Shadow, leaving the defenseless leader on the ground in awe.

"Well that was fortunate, glad I got here just in time." Kanji said as he helped Yu up, noticing him limping "Woah the monster really did a number on ya huh? Now I'm really glad I protected you, or we might've lost our leader!"

Yu, not wanting to say the details that led up to his limp, smiled "Thanks Kanji. I owe you one." He hugged the tall teen, leaving him with a slight blush on his cheeks.

The red tinted male smiled "Nah it's fine Senpai, you saved my ass thousand of times, it's the least I could do." He stepped back, revealing that Yu had a blush forming on his cheeks aswell.

"No I need to." Yu insisted "I'd feel guilty if I didn't.

"Seriously dude it's fi-"

"No it's not" Yu interrupted "You saved my life... I really am grateful... Besides, isn't your birthday coming up? Maybe we could do something?"

Kanji looked at his leader, who's blush was still there, and sighed, indicating an indefinite answer. It really wasn't like Yu to do this kind of thing. Members of the team saved Yu before, but he never insisted on doing something for them. Why Kanji? Did he felt some sort of strong bond between the both of them, stronger than bestfriends? The thought of them being more than friends turned Kanji red. Did Yu want to be more than bestfriends?

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A/N Thank you for taking time out of your day to read one of my works! More chapters to come soon! Leave feedback and constructive criticism and please, NO HATE!!! Bye<3

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