Faith smiled peacefully and stepped backward. Cassian tried not to frown. He enjoyed their closeness. "I can see that you are a success. Well done."

Much to Cassian's disappointment, Faith's voice was quite flat as she congratulated him. Perhaps she was unaware of just how successful he was. She did not know of the other factories. She had not seen his house, his carriage, or any of his fine things.

"And so you must allow me to repay you," he then insisted.

Faith's eyes widened. "Oh, no!" she exclaimed. "What I gave you ... it was an investment, and the mere fact that you are well is enough of a dividend for me. I ... I want to earn my money. I will not accept money that I have not worked for."

As much as Cassian wanted to put the pile of banknotes that were still in his coat pocket into Faith's hands, he respected her for her determination to earn an honest living. She was providing for a child without a husband.

"If your offer is still valid, I will accept your ten pounds and I will work in your household. I would be glad to." Faith knitted her hands together and exhaled.

Cassian grinned. Firstly, he was immensely happy to have the opportunity to look after Faith and Lucy. It was clear that her husband had been unable to in the event of his death. And secondly, he was excited to show Faith his house. When she saw just what her investment in him had reaped, she would know that he had made something of himself.

"Happy to have you on board, Faith," Cassian said gladly.

"It is I who now needs to thank you, Mr Kensington."

"I think we are acquainted well enough for you to know me as Cassian," Cassian insisted. He liked hearing his name in her angelic voice.

"You are my master now, Mr Kensington. That would not be appropriate," countered Faith. She turned her back on him just as Cassian frowned. Faith took hold of Lucy's hand again and started to look around her flat. "We do not have much, but I do need time to pack my possessions."

"I will send a servant to pack your things for you," Cassian promised. "We really ought to get going."

Faith and Lucy left the flat first. Cassian waited thirty seconds before following them downstairs, so as not to appear like they were travelling together. Not that it mattered now that Faith was no longer living there, maintaining a good name was still important to her.

Mr Green was waiting a little ways down the street for them. He had the door of the carriage open, waiting for them.

"Mrs Rowe and Lucy are coming with me. Mrs Rowe has accepted a position in my household," Cassian informed him.

"Very good, sir. Congratulations, Mrs Rowe."

"Thank you," said Faith sincerely.

Cassian offered his hand to Faith as she climbed into his carriage. The minute she placed her small hand in his, and gripped it for stability, he felt a flutter in his stomach. He was excited about her. As soon as Faith was safely inside, he placed his hands underneath Lucy's arms and lifted her up. He placed her inside and she climbed on the padded seat beside her mother.

Cassian then closed the door behind him and sat down opposite Faith and Lucy. He placed his hands on the luxurious fabric of the seat and smiled proudly. "This carriage was one of the first larger purchases I made after becoming successful," he told her. "I designed it myself. What with all the travelling I do, I thought it prudent to ensure that my carriage was safe as well as comfortable."

"I see," she murmured.

Cassian pursed his lips. "It is velvet, the fabric," he continued impatiently. "Italian. The very best."

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