The Cliche Begins

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I stood at the base of the stairs. Everyone else had gone to bed, but I was told to wait on Cayton. He was speaking with his staff, telling the newborns they were no longer needed. Tyler was standing next to me, and Tyson was making sure no one upstairs was causing problems. Sam had gone to find a phone and call Mike.

“You’re sure Cayton doesn’t know about the blood thing?” I asked, “Because I plan on not being here very long.”

Tyler shrugged, “Don’t know for sure, but I know he’s got a thing for you. A small one, albeit, but still. I don’t know if he’s realized it or not, but the more time he spends with you the least likely you’ll be able to leave.”

“I can always get Adrian to break me out.”

“I’m not talking about Cayton’s unwillingness to let you leave.” Tyler said. “I mean your resolve to leave will crumble. Its how things work, Aria.” he chuckled. “This is one big, fat, cliché story, and you and Cayton are the main characters.”

“Main characters in what?” Cayton had come in on the tail end of our conversation. Tyler smiled.


Cayton gave him a curious look before looking at me. “What’s he on about?”

I didn’t answer him. I wasn’t exactly happy with the situation, and I didn’t want to talk to him. He huffed when I didn’t answer him.

“She knows she’s gonna have to talk to me, right?” he asked Tyler, who shrugged.

“You take it up with her, I don’t want my nose broken.”

I snorted, holding back my laugh at the jab. Tyler flashed me a grin before turning and walking up the stairs. “See you around.”

“Goodnight, Tyler.” I laughed as he flashed up the stairs. Cayton grunted.

“Prick. Alright, Aria, I’ll have the twins send up your things tomorrow, but for tonight I’ll spot you some clothes again.”

“I’m sorry, what?” I asked, following him up the stairs.

“You’re staying in my room.”

“I don’t think so.”

“Talking now, are you?”

“Cayton, seriously?”

“Yes, I’m serious. Its part of my terms.” he said as I followed him down the hall and past the library.

“No. I’ll stay where I’ve been staying.” I said defiantly, crossing my arms and turning around. I knew where to go, so I didn’t care. Cayton, however, thought differently. I only made it about five steps before I was lifted off the ground and I heard a door slam. The speed of the movement made me a bit dizzy, so when I hit the soft surface, the room was spinning just a bit.

“Aria, I don’t think you understand.” Cayton’s voice was low as he hovered over me, and my eyes focused to see I had been plopped onto his bed. I pushed myself into a sitting position.

“Can you not do that to me without a warning?” I asked, rubbing my head, “It makes me really dizzy.”

“Fine. But seriously, you staying here means you and I are getting married.”

“Thanks. I’d still like to have my own- I’m sorry, what?” it registered what he said, and he looked at me like I was absolutely insane.

“You heard me. I know you’re not stupid, so what part did you not understand?”

“No, no. not married. I mean, okay, yeah I get that this was to find your bride or whatever, but that doesn’t mean it had to be me! Find some other chick, a vampire maybe?” I rambled, “I mean, it had to be a vampire on the throne, anyways, right?”

“No, it doesn’t, for one thing. And for another, part of my terms for you invoking the right was that you become a vampire.”

“I don’t want to be a vampire, Cayton! I don’t want to be here, I don’t want to get married, I don’t want to be on the throne, I don’t want any of this!” I exclaimed, standing. Cayton huffed, crossing his arms.

“Trust me, I’m aware. You’ve broken my nose enough.” he said. “Are you tired?”

I glared at him.

“What? I’m asking because if you are I can get you some clothes-”

“I’ll get my own.” I snapped, storming towards the door. I walked angrily back to the stairs that led up to where everyone was staying and began climbing. I didn’t want to think that I had just basically agreed to get married to Cayton.

I sighed when I reached my room. Sam was sitting on the couch when I walked in.

“Oh, hey! I assumed you would be staying in Cayton’s room, since the two of you are getting married and all.” she said.

I groaned, “Oh, god, don’t say that. Please. I’m going to bed, alright? I’ll see you in the morning.”



I closed my bedroom door behind me. I don’t think saying goodbye to Sam will be particularly sad, but it might be a little bit disheartening. I sighed as I started up the shower and pulled clean clothes while the water warmed up.

I let the hot water sooth my muscles, and wash the leftover blood and dirt from my skin. I sat down under the hot spray for a few minutes to look at the wound on my leg.

This is basically what started it all.

Would Cayton even have agreed to the right if he hadn’t tasted my blood?

Maybe. It means he wouldn’t have to sit through this competition. Which he set up in the first place.

I sighed and stood up, turning off the water after I finished my shower routine. I took my time drying off. I pulled on my white undergarments, black shorts and my white tank-top before thoroughly brushing my teeth.

I unwrapped my hair from its towel and walked into my room, running the towel through my hair.

“You weren’t planning on returning, were you?”

I jumped when I heard his voice and spun to see Cayton sitting on my bed. I threw the wet towel at him, hitting his face.

“Of course not!” I snapped and opened my door. “Sam, why did you-”

“Sorry, I’m sleeping!” she cut me off. I groaned and slammed my door, turning to face Cayton, who had hung my towel up in the bathroom.

“Come on, lets go back and get to bed. We have lots to do tomorrow.” he said, walking to the door. I rolled my eyes and climbed into my own bed.

“Goodnight, Cayton. I am staying in here.”

I heard him let out a low growl before I felt my bed shirt and Cayton climb under my covers.

Fine.” his voice was in my ear. “I’ll get comfortable, then.”

I swung my foot back and kicked him in the leg as he tried to settle in behind me.

“What was that for?!”

“You’re not staying.”

“Look, sweetheart, you invoked the right, meaning you’re the one that is going to be here with me, okay? So get used to it.” he said, slinging his arm loosely over my waist. I pushed his arm off and scooted to the edge of the bed, clutching my pillow under my head.

“We’ll see about that.”

I felt his hand on my waist and he pulled me away from the edge of the bed. “Aria, just shut up and go to sleep.”

Caught in the MiddleOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora