Mishaps and Slips

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Armani's POV

Amber smiled the whole night, warming my heart at the fact that it was my doing. When it was time to announce the king and queen, we sat down.

"I could really go for a big piece of chicken right about now." She grumbled, playing with her necklace.

"How big?"

"Breasts, legs, everything." I chuckled, nudging her shoulder. "With mashed potatoes and macaroni and lots of brown rice."

"Big meal huh?"

"Food is great." She laughed.

"Amber Bernstein!" We both looked around, confused at everyone's applause.

"What was that about?" Two girls walked over to Amber, placing a crown on her head. "Armani.." She whimpered.

"Bring yourself on up, Amber." I grabbed her hand as we walked to the stage. She squeezed it tightly.

"I wasn't even nominated.." She squeaked.

"I'm sure it's a mistake, just tell him." Amber nodded quickly, allowing me to kiss her lips before walking onto the stage. She went straight to the principal.

"Oh no, you're supposed to stand over there, honey." He chuckled, one of the girls guiding her to the king of prom, Brody. He smirked at her, making my blood boil. Amber constantly asked for the principal's attention but her message was never recieved.

Brody began moving away from Amber as the music for the first dance started. I'm guessing they had to leave the stage to come dance. What happened next shattered my heart.

A girl ran from backstage, grabbing Amber arm and yanking her backward as brown goop dropped at the direct spot she was standing in.

Everyone was silent.

All you could heart was Amber's frantic breathing, plugging her nose. The smell of peanut butter filled the room, I remembered she was highly allergic.

"Who did this?!" The principal yelled into the mic as I ran onto stage, pulling Amber to the side.

"Are you okay?" I held her face. She just whimpered and hugged me tight. "Please don't cry, please." I kissed her forehead, holding her tight.

"Someone tried to kill me.." She started shaking. I turned to the girl who pulled her away from the mess. She walked over to us.

"I hope I didn't hurt you."

"N-No, thank you. Thank you so much." Amber sniffled.

"Don't thank me.." She shrugged.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"Sabrina." She answered quickly before walking away. Amber looked at the mess then back at the crowd. I took off her crown and tossed it, holding her head and kissing her precious lips.

"Armani-" She giggled before I cut her off with my life.

"I love you, okay?"

"I know, I love you." I grinned leaning in to kiss her again before she ducked. "Armani, stop." I chuckled.

"How are you so happy right now?"

"Kitty only tried to do that to harm me, us. She failed and I still have you." I nodded, holding her hand. I kissed each of her knuckle before carrying her around the mess made and onto the floor, where I sat her back down at our table. "That was.. frightening."

"Let's talk about something else."

"I'm going to be a laughing stock on Monday.." She reached over and stole a loaf of bread from another table. "I bet she videotaped it.."

Troubled Love (Zayn Malik fanfic) Sequel to "Please Be Real"Where stories live. Discover now