Bitchy and Ta Ta~?

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I ran into the kitchen blondie still in my arms as I darted through the house trying to reach the kitchen and hearing the other kittens mew and pitter patter of there feet as they tryed to keep up with me until I came to a stop. "Here we are kittys~" I said sitting blondie down on the floor with the others as I open the fridge "Hope you like Chicken cause that's what ya getting" I said and they all seemed fine with it cause when I set it down they all attacked it eating it like they haven't eaten in days, I saw bitchy growling at one of the other kittys and I huffed "Now bitchy din't be so bitchy you'll eat there's enough for all of you" I said and bitchy hissed at me before going back to eating causing me to laugh. I walked over to them and picked up lollie who was licking my cheek by the time I picked him up and I giggled "Aw arn't you just the cutest thing~" I said twirling him around causing him to mew and I just was Awing at him cause I mean it was just to cute. I scooped up blondie and placed them both together "Now that is just to cute" I added at the way lollie mewed at him and blondie slighty mewed back, I noticed the others finished and they seemed to be walking off and qiuckly blocked them from leaving "Oh hell no, you arn't leaving just yet!" I said and they all seemed shocked as to what I was about to do and I smirked evily.

*** Few minutes laster***

All the kittens were fuzzy by the time I got done with them since I resled them to get the collars on so I squirted them with water to shut them up and well I got a few bite marks and such but now they belong to me so Im happy. "Well bitchy you look the most cute~" I said and he hissed, he was wearing a nice blood red collar but he had a pendent on it so I took the tag off and put the pendent on the tag spot the others collars followed there fur colors Blondie got yellow lollie got orange and so forth and so on. I ploped down on the couch and sighed "Well at least if you run off people will know yall belong to me" I said and I noticed the little kittens huttled in a little group and seemed to be mewing at each other so I skipped over to them and scooped spike up who seemed a bit surprised but only let out a small growl which fadded after I smiled at him "You must be the ring leader of them, making you the pack man" I said and they all just looked at me with confused faces but spike simply mewed in responce and I giggled kissing his nose "I like you two spike, now the rest of you need to be like him or blondie cause these two seem like my favorite well... Bitchy is still number 3" I said putting spike down and picking up bitchy who was growing at Ta Ta and now growling at me. "So I see now, you got a thing for Ta Ta huh?" I said and he stiffened before he started hissing and growling and Ta Ta just huffed with a small growl and I just laughed "No need to worry Bitchy, if you love Ta Ta I understand" I said before placing Bitchy ontop of Ta Ta which made Ta Ta uck him off and then hissed and such happened again. I clapped my hands together loudly scaring half of the kittys "Alright my darlings it's play time~!" I yelled and they all mewed before I dumped out a whole bunch of little pet toys, I was waving a dangling string infront of them waiting for one of them to move but then all of a sudden blondie was all over the string only to have Lolliepop join in, It was all fun until Bitchy.........

Cliff hanger~!  

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