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"Once upon a time I had a normal life, everything just fine and....and normal. nothing special about it, just very average; well I have found out that I kinda don't like normal or average that's why I am in this absurd mess that I'm in. Now I will get to this in the moments to come. so let's start from where it all started, in a country, I like to call Iowa."

Silent as the woods can be, a light breeze swims its way through the trees that surrounded me. The wind threading its way through the leafs as the peaceful sounds the country has on a warm morning. I lay quietly on a large rock that protruded out of the ground, it was the only large bolder for miles in these woods. drifting between my dreams and the real world, feeling the soothing wind brushing my cheek and lulling me to sleep. my dirty blond hair swaying in the playful breeze. A faint voice in the distance calling out as it slowly got closer. "Joseph.....Joseph........JOSEPH!" suddenly out of my limbo state of mind I woke abruptly to a man with brown short hair and a goatee to match. It was my older brother Luzinder making his way through the vegetation. I rub my eyes trying to wipe the sleep from them. "What is it luzinder, I was just taking a break for a minute," I said still with one foot in my blissful rest. He sighs heavily making his way up the side of the bolder. "Mom wants you back she needs you to do some things for her." groaning unnecessarily loud I force myself to get up and stretched myself back into my tiring and overbearing life. So soon enough I was walking back to the house with my Brother luzinder. Here was my life, so normal and peaceful it would seem all too unlikely for anything to happen to me.

eventually, we made it back to the house out at the far east side of our land, which we owned over 100 acres. thick woods surround the house that covered only but 30 acres. I took my time up the stairs and on to the porch that led into the kitchen from the backyard. as I do, I see my mom washing dishes through the window. A beautiful woman with long black hair and hazel eyes. She looked up from the sink as she saw me walking through the door. she continued to wash as she placed a plate down and picks another up to clean it. "Joseph I need you to go out with one of your brothers and dispose of the wood left over from the fence your father put up yesterday." I walked over to the fridge and grabbed myself a pitcher that was filled with iced tea and poured myself a glass.  She stopped from washing after a minute and dried her hands. " you need only to throw it into the woods or you can burn it, it's your choice. Just get it done and be safe, afterward go and find your father and see what you can do to help him. he has a lot of things to do today. Remember Dinner is at 6 o'clock so don't be late, do you hear me?" she said as she points a finger at me, giving me a stern look. I nodded my head in understanding at her as I finished drinking my glass. She turns and walks off into another room where soon after a vacuum was turned on.  putting down the cup I was holding I couldn't help when suddenly a giant smile shot across my face at the thought of burning wood engulfed my mind with fiery beauty. So as fast as I could I turned and jumped out of the door and off the porch. I went to the outer fence, far to the west side of the house not too far from the woodline.

I made my way to the area where I could see where my dad had put up the new pieces of wood for the fence that now completed the outline of the 30 acres of our house. scattered here and there all down the line of the fence about 15 feet across were broken or unused wood planks my dad left behind. I began to gather up the wood, working my way from one end the other. Now coming up from behind me was my older twin brothers luzinder and Thadius. even though Thadius was Luzinder's younger twin brother by 2 minutes and 14 seconds he was slightly taller with no goatee. They both had light brown hair that was slightly too long to spike but not long enough to be a mess. they were auguring on who was going to help me with throwing away the wood into the woods. luzinder points and pronounced. " hey I was the one last week to watch over him while everyone was gone out the house, even though it was you who was suppose to stay." 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2018 ⏰

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