"I feel him! If someone do that to me, I'll probably call out on them," Bammie commented.

Sandra just shook her head. Her eyes didn't take off from the screen whilst it glinted in delight. All be damn if he's not Phoenix, she thought.

"I don't know. No one has any idea. Excuse me, I'm getting late.."

"That's definitely not you're ideal type. Good thing he's not Phoenix," Bammie stated after the news finally ended.

Sandra grinned at her best friend. 

Yes, that guy was indeed not her type, for he's actually the opposite of her ideal when it comes to physical attributes. But it doesn't matter. If that's Phoenix, that just means she really has an eyes for attractive men.

"He's cute," she shrugged.

Bammie rolled her eyes and pointed her dainty index finger to her, "You're into rappers. And your exes has almost has the same features. You followed your pattern, Sandra. Tall, handsome, and a flower boy," she stated with a huff.


"So?" Bammie mimicked her tone exaggeratedly with brows raising heavenward, "I'm just saying that if that guy is Phoenix, you'll never like him. He already failed the most important quality you desired the most. Height," she said venomously whilst rolling her eyes once again. "I wonder why you didn't say you like Levi instead? He's on your toplist, right?"

Immediately, Bammie gasped and covered her mouth after seeing Sandra scowling at her. Then she gave her a peace sign and chuckled.

She sighed. "How is he, by the way?" she asked while she moved her index finger around the brim of the wine glass again.

Bammie didn't respond right away and studied her first for a few seconds. Then, the corner of her lips slowly tugged upward as her eyes glinted in mischief, as an idea suddenly flashed in her mind. "Why don't you invite him out and see for yourself? You can also ask him to introduce you to Phoenix since they're from the same agency," she suggested excitedly.

Sandra's brows furrowed then stared at the wine. 'Should she?' she thought.

"It's like hitting two birds in one stone, Sandra. What do you think?" Bammie protruded while grinning sardonically.

Her lips slowly curved upward as she got Bammie's point. She's smart indeed. However, that's not how she works. Her bestfriend's idea was to cheat and she's not a cheater. She will never use the easy way, nor use anyone for her advantage and convenience, especially Levi. 

"I'm just suggesting," Bammie shrugged when she saw Sandra shaking her head.

The latter stood up while still holding her wine glass. She then looked through the window, and silently watched the busy city below her. She stayed there for awhile as her office engulfed with eerily silence, until it was cut by a loud ring of her phone.

She didn't move though. Not because she didn't have a plan to answer the call.. but because, her ever so nosy best friend already got it and answered the call without her consent.

"Yes, hello? Who's this?" Bammie asked, then covered her mouth as she gasped while looking at her, "Yeah, she's here! Wait.." she said then walked to her with a huge grin.

Sandra raised her eyebrows as she watched her sauntered towards her, "Who's that?" she queried.

Smiling suspiciously, Bammie pushed the phone on her palm, "Just answer it!" she protruded.

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