Chapter 5: Huntress

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A sigh escaped full red lips as a woman gripped the arm of her husband. She felt so much anger that she wasn't sure how to express it. She glared at him for a moment and was satisfied to see fear in his brown eyes. She slapped him. "You dare betray me?" she growled before shoving him, knocking him into a table and vase behind him. The ancient vase crashed onto the floor.

"I cannot see what you see in that slut." She ejected her hidden blade. "I should kill you for this. Get rid of the stain on the Templar name."

"Rosa, please, no! Forgive me! I was ordered to do it for information!"

She rolled her eyes. "Really? I would have heard such orders."

He flinched when she placed the tip of the blade to his throat. He gulped.

"I do not forgive cheaters." She pushed the blade into his throat. Blood poured out after she retracted the blade. He held his neck as he choked on his blood. He reached for her but she quickly stepped away.

She turned and walked away toward the front door. She checked her dark red dress for any blood before leaving. She held her head high as she made her way to her guards. They were lounging by the fountain, soaking their hands or splashing themselves with the warm water, hoping for relief from the sudden hot day.

She came to stand in front of a tall, buff man. He rested his dark eyes on her. "What is it, milady?"

"We're going to visit Antonio." She tucked some hair behind her ear after a hot wind blew it into her face.

The tan Templar nodded. He looked at the door, curiosity clear on his face. She knew what he was wondering.

"I do not forgive traitors," she said with a huff before walking away toward the stable. She heard him follow. "I swear, if I have another man cheat on me..."

The guard let out a deep laugh. "I do not understand why they would cheat on such a lovely and smart lady such as yourself."

"Is that flirting I hear?" she asked, a smile crossing her face.

His cheeks turned red. "Is it okay for me to flirt with you?" he asked hesitantly.

"Yes. In fact, why don't we have dinner tonight?" she asked as she slowed down for him to walk beside her.

"That sounds wonderful," he replied with a smile.


Antonio was a strange man. Rosa had always thought so. He was quick to change subjects or talk your ear off about random things. He was never one to really consider anyone but himself and his work.

Rosa watched him pace back and forth in the library he had brought her to. She sighed with annoyance. "Antonio, do you or do you not know where Catalina is? I am tired of searching for her."

Antonio looked at her with a glare. "Yes, I am sure I know. The problem is getting into the city and pinpointing her exact location."

"Damn her. She was always a sneaky one." Rosa curled her lip in disgust as she remembered how obsessed her sister was with the Assassins.

"Are you sure you're willing to go?"

The young woman stood and huffed. "Of course! I want to end her myself!" she snapped. Antonio didn't flinch at her anger. He was the only one to not be moved by her.

He grabbed a book from one of the many dusty shelves and shoved the leather bound book into her hands. "That has all of the information you need to find out where she could possibly be. There is a map of her visited locations. Now, get out. I need to return to my thinking."

Rolling her eyes at him as he turned his back to her, she headed for the open door. She examined the book as she walked down the carpeted hallway to the stairs that would take her to the foyer.

It was worn out but still somewhat unfaded to suggest it wasn't very old. She opened it and flipped through the dirty pages, amused by the neat handwriting. There was messy handwriting here and there. Nothing to suggest Antonio was the one to gather the information. It was clear to her that he had someone else do it. Of course he refused to get his hands dirty.

She paused in her thoughts. When was the last time she herself had been out and about working? Her mind went back to her days as an Assassin. She flexed her fingers, imagining grabbing onto a roof ledge and hauling herself up.

She sighed sadly. She hated to admit that she did miss those days with her sister. But after she killed her lover, it was hard to keep the hatred from consuming her. She shook her head. Her sister was also blind when it came to matters of how to bring about a peaceful world.

Tucking the book under her arm, she lifted her skirt, having reached the long staircase. She made her way down, giggling when she heard Antonio shout at a servant for interrupting him. He was such a peculiar man.

At the bottom of the stairs, she took a deep breath to calm her racing heart. She was excited to go back out onto the field. Catalina, enjoy your final days, she thought smugly as she headed for the door. The hunter has found the prey.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2017 ⏰

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