Chapter 1 How I got my powers

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"Steven!" "Those were the last words I heard before I fell into a pit of darkness.  In the pit, I had to fight for freedom." "What do you mean?" "I mean that I had to fight other people just to survive." "In the pit, I learned how to go from place to place easily in a very short time frame." "Well that is all for today and I will get to you again tomorrow." "What do you mean that we are done?" "I have other patients to see you are not the only one.  Ok, he is ready for his medicine." "Wait, real quick tell me why I am in this mental hospital again." "You are in here because you have been convicted of homicide and schizophrenia, that is why you are here." Two guys then walked in and took Steven to his room.  Steven woke up and he was in the pit again. "Why am I here again?" The pit then collapsed and he woke up in the room sweating.  "Good morning, Steven" "Good morning, who ever you are." "Oh yeah, I forgot to say my name it is Christine and as you already know I am your psychologist." "What are you going to make me talk about today?" "Oh, 'we' are not having a session, you are going to a support group to help with your problems." "Why? I don't need help and I didn't kill that family." "Take him to the room." Steven was taken to the room by two different people.  Steven was shoved into the room and some one said "Ah, the new one is here to join us." Steven then sat down and said "I am going to talk last." "Ok, 'new one' my name is Jake." "Hi, Jake" everyone, but Steven said like a drone. "I am here because I have been diagnosed with multiple personality disorder and said to have killed a few people." "Ooo, so special" "Shut it Jessica" Jake snapped at her. "Jessica, it is your turn" "My name is Jessica" "Hello, Jessica" everyone, but Steven, said like drones again. "I have been diagnosed with Obsessive Compulsive disorder and said to have killed my family." Everyone else had their urn and then it came to Steven. "My name is Steven" "Hi, Steven" "I am here because they say I have schizophrenia and that I killed a family in a house where I don't live and I don't know them." "Why were you in the house?" "I don't know all I do know is that I woke up there in their house and they were dead, and I am here now." "Ok that is all for today." Steven got up and went to his room.  The next day he went back into the room and sat down in the corner covered in shadows.  "Steven are you ok?" "Yeah I am just fine" All of the sudden the lights went out and when they came back on Steven was on the other side of the room. "Steven how did you get over there?" "I don't know." Christine came in and said "Sorry everyone we are having technical difficulties." After 6 hours waiting for the problems to go away all of the patients went to their rooms.  Everyone was in the room talking and then someone came running in and said "Steven, Jake, and Jessica you are free to go you have been cleared of all of your crimes and you no longer are diagnosed of your symptoms." The person started to walk out and then he turned around and motioned for Steven, Jake and Jessica to follow him. "Steven, I need to talk to you but Jake and Jessica you can go back home and live normal lives." "Ok cool." Both Jake and Jessica said. "Steven, my name is Dominic and you are ale to take whatever job you want." "I want to be a detective, so that I can protect others." "Ok that is fine, oh and to let you know I am your partner" "Let me drive." "No, you don't know where the precinct is." "Ok, fine.  Well I have to meet my new boss." Dominic and Steven get to the precinct and Steven meets the chief, who is his boss. "Hello, Steven we need you to take cases that no one else can take.  I know about your powers.  Can you show me?" "Only if you tell me your name." "My name is Carter" "Ok, I will show you." Steven walked into a shadow and he disappeared.  Both Carter and Dominic were shocked and then Steven showed back up out of a different shadow while eating a hot dog. "Where did you get that?" "Down the street, at the hot dog stand closest to a shadow." "Do you know how much this will help us?" "Yes of course, I know or else you wouldn't talk to me at all." "Ok, your first case will be after you get everything put on your desk and you are situated." Steven walks out of his room and then he got everything situated on his desk. "Here is your first case." Carter said "Who is this?" "This is Rachel my wife, she filed this case." "Where does she work?" "Where?!, Where?! She is the mayor." "Ok thanks." The paper showed Rachel and words that said "Fire chief murdered, immediate action required!" "Where is his house?" It is on the corner of Ann and Sebastian" "Ok, I will be back soon." Steven then disappeared and was in the fire chief's house in an instant.  The entire house was pitch black no one was able to see a thing.  Steven was able too see perfectly int he dark and saw a phone and then he called Dominic and told him that he was there. "How is it?" Dominic asked Steven "It is very bloody still" "Well that is because no one has been there yet to clean anything." "Oh hold on I see someone" "Steven do not engage the enemy!" Carter yelled. "I am back, he was very easy to fight.  I am bringing him to you." Steven then teleported into the room with the man. "What is your name and why did you kill the fire chief?" "I am Ezeakial and I am a mercenary." "Why did you kill the fire chief?" "I killed him because I was hired to kill him." "Who is your employer?" "My employer is a secret." "Steven take him to jail." "Yes sir" Steven then walked into the shadows with Ezeakial and Ezeakial saw that he was in jail in under a few seconds.  Steven was back in Carter's office and he over heard Carter on the phone with Rachel saying "OK, yes hunny, we will blame this all on Ezeakial and Steven and they will go down easily." Steven leaves his office and goes to his desk.  Dominic is no where in sight but most of the police officers were killed and their blood was everywhere.  Steven saw a silenced pistol on the ground and he picked it up.  He then walked into Carter's room and asked what was going on.  Carter said "Oh just that I am going to become a hero and my wife and I will both be promoted." "You killed these people!" "No, I didn't but you did and your finger prints are on the gun so good luck getting out of a prison that has only lights, oh and Jack, Jessica, Dominic, Ezeakial, and Christine will all join you in prison as being consultants of murder." The police Depart. door was kicked open and Steven turned around to see who it was.  Carter then tackled Steven and yelled "In my office, I have him pinned, he killed everyone here in the building besides me!" The SWAT team then busted down the door and one person stood still in the SWAT uniform.  Steven was tased by her and then he went unconscious.  While Steven was unconscious he kept teleporting out of the SWAT van and so the SWAT team had to get a stasis field for him.  The SWAT team got him to the prison and he was instantly thrown into the prison, but he teleported into other rooms and the guards had a hard time to control him even with a stasis field around the prison.  Steven woke up in a room filled with light so that he can't teleport form shadows. "Where am I? Why am I here? I didn't commit any crimes!" "You are in a prison because you did commit a crime, you killed most of the police force and Mayor Carter stopped you." The door opened and all the lights turned on in the hallway. "It's time for breakfast, criminal" Steven's cuffs were then unlocked and the got up and went to breakfast. "Over here, Steven!" Christine yelled to get his attention.  Steven walked over and sat down next to Christine and then shortly after Steven sat down, Dominic walked up and sat down.  Jack and Jessica walked up next to each other and sat down in synchronized mutation.  Ezeakial ten walked in and sat down near all of them.  Steven was sitting int he middle of all of his friends and Ezeakial.  The entire prison got quite and they were all staring in fear at Steven and his crew.  One person walked up and said "I want to fight for your spot in this group." Multiple people stood up and then walked over to Steven and said the same thing.  Steven stood up and said "I will take all of you on at the same time." They all looked at him and laughed.  Steven then got into a fighting stance an 3 of them and the others had no time to react, because Steven was tossing all of 57 people who joined the one guy for Steven's spot.  Steven then stat back down an the 60 males were laying unconscious on the floor and the prison guards came running in a forced Steven to his room and the rest of his crew were also forced into their rooms.  Lunch came and Steven was allowed to come out of his room again.  Steven sat down at the same table and everyone sat down next to him and Ezeakial asked Steven. "Do you mind if we became friends?  I have never had a friend before." "I don't mind, new friend." Steven and everyone had lunch and then 60 females came for Steven's spot and Steven went easy on them but Steven still didn't get hit once.  No one else noticed, but Steven realized that he was beginning to teleport in the light and he was teleporting to people's shadows.  Steven then walked to his room and waited for the guards to yell at him.  The guards never yelled at him, but he was told to watch himself.  Steven came out at dinner and it was the same scenario except that he fought 60 guards with riot shields and night sticks.  Steven walked forward and all 60 guards charged at Steven.  Steven broke all of their shields his hands and they all hit him with their night sticks.  Steven started to laugh and then everyone began to get scared because he was enjoying the fight.  Steven then grabbed one nightstick and it vanished before everyone's eyes.  Steven then had a shadow clone come form behind and started to fight with him.  After all 60 guards were taken down, Steven's shadow clones disappeared and he went and sat back down. "Steven?" "Yeah?" "What was that just now?" "I don't know, but it was fun." "Ok, so what do we do now?" "Now we escape form this prison."

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