Mom looks at me and sighs. "Had Peeta said anything about his side hurting?"

"No," I say as I shake my head. "Why? Mom, what's going on?"

"Peeta's appendix has ruptured," Mom tells me.

"Oh my gosh," I say as my hand comes up to cover my mouth. "I-Is he going to be okay?" The baby starts kicking and I lay my free hand on my stomach.

Mom shrugs and shakes her head. "I don't know, Katniss," she says. "It all depends on if they can get in there and get the infection out in time."

"What if they can't?" I ask worriedly. Mom just looks at me. "Mom, what if they don't get it out in time?"

She takes a deep breath. "Then there's nothing they can do, Katniss." I start to stand up, but Mom stops me. "Katniss…"

"I-I need to see him," I say desperately.

"Katniss, you can't," Mom tells me. "He's already in surgery. Listen, somebody's going to come in every few minutes to tell us how he's doing. But for now, all you can do is sit here and wait patiently. Okay?" I nod my head, even though it's really not okay. I should be back there with Peeta 

He means everything to me and our babies. I can't raise them by myself. I'm not strong enough to do this without Peeta.

"Mom, what should I tell Willow?" I ask her.

"I'd tell her a little bit of it," Mom says. "That way she'll be expecting it if something were to happen."

I bite my lip and look over at our sweet baby girl. How am I supposed to tell our five year old daughter that she might loose her Daddy? "Willow," I say softly. She looks over at me. "Come here, baby," I tell her. She comes over to me, and I sit her in what's left of my lap.

"What's wrong, Mommy?" Willow asks as she gently wipes my tears away with her little hands.

"Willow, I need to talk with you about Daddy for a minute."

"Is Daddy still sick?"

"Yes, Willow," I tell her. "He's really sick."

"Will him be okay?"

I look at her and swallow hard. "I don't know, baby girl."

Huge tears form in her bright, blue eyes. "Is him going to die?"

"I don't know, Willow," I tell her as tears fall down my face. Willow starts sobbing and I hold her close to me. Willow pushes me away and hops down out of my arms. She runs over to the door and pulls on the handle.

"Willow," I say as I stand up.

"I want Daddy!" she squalls as she opens the door and runs out of the room.

"Willow!" I call out as I follow her. She doesn't make it very far before I catch up to her.

"No! Daddy!" she screams as I pick her up.

"Willow, listen to me," I tell her. "You can't see Daddy right now." She starts bawling into my shoulder. I look down the hall to see Haymitch walking towards us.

"I'll take her," he says as he takes Willow from me.

"I don't know what I'm supposed to do, Haymitch. I've got her so upset."

"You did the right thing," he says "Go sit down. Calm down."

"What about Willow?"

"I've got her," he says. "Don't worry about her. She'll be fine." I nod and start back to the waiting room, listening to the cries of my baby girl get softer and softer. I go in and sit back down beside of Mom.

"How are you feeling?" she asks me.

"I'm okay," I say. "Except I'm really stressed out and preparing myself to loose my best friend." I start shaking again.

"Katniss, if something does happen to Peeta, promise me something," Mom says. I look at her and nod. "Promise me that you won't leave Willow and the baby like I did with you and Prim when your father died." I close my eyes and nod my head.

"I promise," I say. The door opens and a doctor walks in.

"Mrs. Mellark?" he asks. I nod and he walks over to me.

"How is Peeta doing?" I ask shakily.

He gives me a sad look. "Your husband's heart has stopped."

It takes those five words for my world to start falling apart.

"We've done everything we can, but he's not responding." The door comes flying open and a nurse comes rushing in.

"He's okay!" she says quickly. "He's breathing now." I start bawling and Mom pulls me in sideways.

"It's okay, Katniss," Mom says as he rubs my arm.

"I'll be back to give you updates," the doctor tells us. I nod and they leave the room.

"Mom," I choke out once we're alone.

"Katniss, Peeta is going to be alright," she says. "He's survived worse."

"But I've always been there to help him," I say. "I can't help him this time."

"Yes you can. You can help him by staying calm and not getting so tore up that you go into pre-term labor again. You and I both know how he'd feel when he wakes up and realizes that you had the baby without him." I shake my head.

"If he wakes up."

"When," Mom says. "When he wakes up."

I swallow hard and nod my head, praying to God that Peeta wakes up.

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