Chapter 21 - Werewolves and Sherlock Holmes

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Mike Grandeal


First time I've ever come across them. I've never seen nor met a single one of them. If I'm being totally honest, I never met one because I never wanted to. Ever since a pack killed my parents I've never wanted an encounter with them. Not only because I was a afraid to. But because I thought if I did ever meet one, I'd rip every single pack of werewolves walking on this earth to shreds. Or I'll atleast try to. I'm no fighter like Jake or Clark. But I can still do damage.

And now, snarling and drooling in front of us, was a pack of huge gray fur beasts. Their red glinting eyes were digging hungrily at us.

But werewolves are also part human. So we could try to bargain with them. We had to try.

"Could you'll stop snarling and somebody turn the lights on. We can barely see a thing!" I shouted at them.

This seemed to surprise them. But slowly and I hope painfully, they transformed to human form. Ragged clothes and messy hair was what could be seen when someone switched on the lights. Yes tube lights under a river. A den.

They were still panting like wolves. The transformation takes time to fully complete.

Looking around the den we saw long tables and hammocks. It's like they are taking refuge. Hiding.

One of the more hunky werewolves approached us. He seemed to have transformed back to human faster than the rest. He must be their Alpha.

"Demowards. How did you find us?" He asked.

"We didn't find you. We just fell on top of you. Who on earth opened this roof door?" Jake asked.

"We didn't. This isn't actually our den. I mean we found it just like you. We were trying to cross the river and we're swallowed into here. So we figured we'd stay here."

"Also are you the guys the ones that killed everything in this forest?" Clark asked, his voice full of authority.

"Not us. We found it like that when we got here. No werewolf pack could kill a whole forest. What would be the point of that? We wouldn't have a food supply then. And we'd be just killing everything we see. No that's not us. It, I'm afraid is something else entirely." The alpha spoke. And he sounded odd. He sounded afraid.

"Didn't you think that if it wasn't your den that who ever this den belongs to would come and rip you all apart?" Jake asked.

"We are a pack. A very strong pack. In fact we are the strongest pack there ever was. So we fear nothing."

"Then why are you hiding in this den? Werewolves don't belong underground." Lyzabeth snapped at them.

"We aren't hiding. We are planning. The thing that killed this forest's wildlife was a beast. Whom we have call the Hound of Baskerville." The alpha said.

"Like from Sherlock Holmes?" Lyzabeth asked laughing.

The alpha and other werewolves however did not find that humorous.

"This hound is five times the size of the biggest alpha. And just as many times fiercer, faster and has a bottomless well for a blood lust."

"Can a Hell Hound fight it though?" Jake asked.

"A Hell Hound? They are just myth and legend. No such beast exists. But if it does, even it won't be able to handle this beast."

"Where have you tracked him to so far?" Clark asked.

"It is still in this forest. And we are hunting it down." The alpha spoke and snarled.

"Why are you hunting it down?" I asked.

"Because it killed two of my family. And we avenge for our fallen." He snarled again.

My fingers were hovering over my blade. This werewolf talking about avenging his family's deaths. What about my family? That his kind have killed. His kind had left me orphaned. What about that???

Lyzabeth laid a hand on my shoulder. When I looked at her, she smiled reassuringly.

The alpha and along with Jake and Clark made their way to the corner where was a take with a map of known places where they've seen the Hound and we're plotting the best strategy to capture it and send it back to hell.

"I know you're thinking of killing each and every of these werewolves for what they have done to you. But you have to understand that just because one pack killed your parents, the others may not be as bad. Let's take a walk around and see if there's something that could change your mind." Lyzabeth said calmly.

So we walked around the den. Observing them. Most were just passing time playing cards. Others raising their young cubs. It was like being in a family home. Where everyone supported each other. Family home. I missed that.

"So you guys keep the world form falling apart huh?" One werewolf asked us.

"Yeh sort of." I replied. Most of the time, Demowards just do what they have to, to clean up their own messes.

"Well what are your names? I'm Shae"
She said.

"I'm Lyzabeth and this is Mike Grandeal" Lyzabeth replied. This shocked the werewolf.

"Did you say Grandeal?" She asked.

"Yes... why?" I asked, my heart racing and my hand nearing the blade on my hip.

"Erm... one moment. JENNIFER! BENJAMIN! COME OVER HERE QUICKLY!" She shouted out. Wait did she say those names?

And then from the other corner of the den. Two other ragged dressed werewolves walked slowly toward us. They were annoyed.

"What is it Shae?" The male one asked.

"This boy here... has your names." Shae told him and pointed toward me.

That's when I saw their faces properly. Even under the hair and clothes I could recognise them anywhere. How could this be?

Without a word I turned around and headed toward the table where the alpha was drawing on the map.

I grabbed him by the collar and threw him across the den. I ran toward him and jumped on top of the fallen alpha, my blade raised in my hands ready to take my first werewolf kill.

"HOW COULD YOU? HOW COULD YOU?!" I shouted at him. My hands shaking with anger. The blade ready to strike.

He then grabbed me and placed his hand on my forehead. He showed me a playback of a memory. All I could think was one thing.

My parents are alive. And are werewolves.

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