It was silent the whole way home; While I was not only focusing on my surroundings, but also focusing on my breathing.

I was sitting on my bed when I heard a loud beeping noise as if it was a truck backing up. I looked out my window and sure enough, it was some new neighbors moving in. "not interested" I mumble to myself.

Before sitting back down I took one last look at the moving van when a teenage boy jumped out of the truck. I stared for a while just looking at his soft, light blue hair. How it gracefully followed the wind's movement. It was a moment of yellow with a hint of red. It was that perfect combination, like a warm summer breeze that was not too powerful, and not too weak. A woman, who I assuming is his mother, started to speak to him. I noticed the way he moves his lips, his body moved and how he had a hundred percent focus on her.

Ding dong I get out of my trance to find that the boy is no longer in the spot and his mother is now putting boxes in the house. "Tyler" I look over to my door, seeing that no one is there so I calmly walk down the stairs to where my mom is. "Tyler come meet this young man." She smiles pulling me in front of her. "Hi, I'm josh" he awkwardly says. I weakly smile. "hi." My mom's smile gets wider. "Okay, well how about you two go up to Tyler's room and chat while I make dinner?" I smile and nod, inviting Josh inside and showing him where my room is.

I close the door behind Josh kicking some clothes to the side. As he looks at my drawings on the wall I sit on my bed and just look at him. he looks back at me and smiles. "So how old are you?" I look into his eyes, his eyes were a rich mocha color, the way autumn smells, how porcelain feels. "17." His c-major lips spread into a smile "cool, me too" Josh's side of his lips were tilted downward slightly, going into a small pout. His eyes, had a slight bit of confusion mixed with uncertainty. "Well actually" he starts fiddling with his fingers. "My birthday is in 2 weeks. But that doesn't really matter." He walks over to me and sits across from me on my bed. "I wanna learn more about you" I focus on his smile. The way his tiger growl teeth just surpass his c-major lips. I back up a little feeling uncomfortable being this close to someone I don't know very well.

After a couple questions asked and a couple questions answered he ends up laying on my floor. I look at the clock 5:45. He the sits up and looks at me. "I should get home. Dinner might be ready soon." I just stare at him, finding something to say. "Why won't you stay for dinner?" He smiled. "I can ask my mom." I nodded not taking my eyes off his face, noticing ever detail of this glorious masterpiece. My heart stared beating fast, the world started to slow down. I had what felt like butterflies in my stomach fluttering up to my mouth where I couldn't talk. "Wanna come with me?" I simply just nodded.

"Wanna play a game?" I sat up from laying on my bed, Still stuffed from dinner. "Like what?" His mocha eyes looked up to the right. He hummed a slight bit. "How about truth or dare?" I let out a low laugh. "With just us?" He smiled and nodded. "With just us."

I smiled focusing on his lips. The way they spread apart and upwards, making a cute smile. I bite the inside of my lip, but this time not out of anger. This time it was out of enjoyment. But it was something more than being joyful, this time it felt red, what nostalgia feels like. It feels like the best but worst thing that would happen.

"Who do you like?" I asked. We started to run out of questions, but that question hasn't been asked yet. Silence. "Josh?" I look over to him, once again laying on the floor. He just laid there with an uneasy facial expression. "We have romantic fantasies about what dying truly is," he sat up. "But I think who I like is-" he pauses, looking like he's searching for a word. "Confusing me" I slowly nod. "And I didn't exactly want to say this so soon bu-" I cut him off. "You don't need to say it if you don't want to." He bites his lip. "You're right, we just met," he lays back down. "I don't think you would have the same feelings as I do." I paused. I took a deep breath. "Don't be too sure about that."

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