It seemed fitting somehow that he be the face of Brute. I doubted there could be many more options more brutish then he. I plastered a fake smile on my face and waited. There would be more to this tale. I was sure of it.

After my prolonged non-committal silence, he continued, "I want you to tell them when they call you today that you will only do it if I were the face of Brute."

Ah, there it was—the pathetic effort over a request for help. I merely shook my head in disgust and turned to stride out of the room.

But Colin reached out to take hold of my hand, halting me. He gripped hard and hauled me back. I cursed his hours well spent at the gym. Even with having my excess weight in favor, I couldn't stop the motion that brought me right up against him.

"Are you still mad at me, babe? I know I was a little hasty with you. But I am here now, and I know you want me."

I gawked at him quite unbecomingly over his attempt to sweet talk me. In a way, I was lucky to be literally starving. If I'd had enough food in my belly, I was certain I would have hurled it all over his expensive shoes in disgust. As it were, I could only sigh my disappointment. I wriggled harder, trying to get out of his hold without having to call out for Erin's help.

But the man paid his weight at the gym. My struggles only led him to chuckle in my ear.

I felt a frantic fear when I heard a sudden silence in the living room. What if Erin had left? I called out for help. "Erin! I need you."

The door slammed open, and there stood my stud muffin, Erin, fighting furious.

"Get the fuck away from her!"

"Take it easy, man." Colin smirked smugly. "There's nothing here I haven't sampled before," he said, moving his free hand to feel me up.

I saw red.

With a sharp stab of my boot clad foot, I stamped on his feet and then used my elbow to jab him in the stomach. He doubled over, howling in pain, and I took advantage to ram my elbow down on his shoulders and sent him sprawling onto the floor.

That done, I heaved out in raging anger, "I will not, ever, voluntarily work with you. Not ever."

I regretted the qualification to my blunt statement. But I knew some things were out of my hands. I had a sinking feeling this was one of those things. I felt the cool grip of Erin's hand closing on me, and then, I was being hauled up against him. I sunk gratefully into his embrace. Without glancing about, Erin muttered above my head in quiet but deadly tones. "Get your ass and his sorry ass out of here."

I looked up to stare straight into Janice's glaring look.

"We're not done," she said to me. "Colin will be modeling alongside you, and Erin will have me on this launch campaign. Be professional, and deal with it."

So saying, she did an about turn that put all her previous runway efforts to shame and stalked out of my home with all the precision and sensual grace of a seasoned professional. I stood there torn between admiring her and hating her.

The one thing I knew of Janice, as certain as truth, she never gave up. She would get her way on this. But she would not be getting Erin. Erin was and would remain mine.

We didn't wait for long to jump each other's bones. As soon as Janice and Colin made their dramatic exit, we were in each other's arms and all over the other like a rash. All my efforts to get cleaned and dressed earlier were put to waste as Erin set about tugging off my clothing even as he slobbered all over me. Naturally, I returned the favor.

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