Chapter 4-

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 Chapter 4-

The nurse/ office lady told Carl to take some slips to our teacher for this period to make sure he knows we haven't just skipped class. Although from the amount of people that were around us when I got hurt I'm sure he already had an idea what happened. Carl came back 10 minutes after he left. He must have had to run there and back to be that quick.

Within the next half hour which was filled with pure pain the doctor finally came. He pushed parts of my knee which caused me to scream. At least I think I did. I couldn't hear myself. Carl was at my side in a second. So I must have screamed. His hand was placed safely around my waist. The doctor looked up at me with concern on his face. Gosh now even the doctor pities me. Lucky me.

'Your fall must have caused the Patella to bruise.' English please mate.

'What does that mean?' Carl voiced my thought.

'It means she will have to have a secure bandage put on her knee and also she will need crutches. I would put her in a wheel chair but it may be harder to get around and get out of.'

'So how long will I need to be on crutches and have a bandage for?' Wow this is going to bring so much attention on you. Angel you have really done it this time. Sucker!

'Well it will roughly be 6 weeks if it goes well but if you go rough on your knee it will take longer.'

'That's lovely.' Did you seriously just say that? You're more of an idiot than I already knew. Wow, that was the understatement of the century.

'Okay then, Miss Mortem. I happen to have crutches in the back of the car for you. Now, I will give you my card which will have my name, phone details and the address for the hospital just in case you need it. Come every 2 weeks for a check-up and I will see you then.'

After he that he speed-walked out the door and 5 minutes later he brought back in the crutches he was talking about. He put them down, I blinked and he was gone. Strange. I guess he was late to see someone else.

Or he was just sick of looking at you. Or even worse, you smell rank. Ever heard of deodorant?

The nurse then stands in front of me which distracted my attention away from wondering why and how the doctor left so quickly.

'You have two options Angel. You can either stay here while I call your parents and they pick you up now. Or you go to class and they can pick you up at the end of the day.'

'Um, I think I will stay here until the end of the day thanks.' You're kidding me right? You could go home but you are staying in this hell hole? You idiot.

'Angel, I think you should go home. So you can rest and come to school tomorrow.' Carl insisted. Listen to him! He is actually making sense.

'No I'm going to stay. Plus, it will give me enough time to come up with a likely excuse that my parents will believe.'

'Okay then Angel you can go back to class and here is a slip to give your teacher to say why you need to keep your foot up.'

'Thank you miss.'

'No worries. Good bye.'

'Cya!' chorus Carl and I. Why don't you two just go and join the choir, huh? You'd make a perfect team, I'm sure of it.

Struggling to get used to the feel of the crutches I hobble next to Carl. The rest of the day is going to be long. At least there is roughly 1 and a bit classes left today. Oh God help me!



I really enjoy writing Angel's 'Inner Voice'. 

I also like it how she doesn't cave in and listen to it very often. She's got more will power than I do.

Stay Classy,

Mikki ;)

Angel Mortem, Death's DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now