Explanation Ramble/Update

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Here's what's up and has been going on, I suppose.

(Edit: I wrote this at 2 in the morning. Somethings are fixed, thank god.)

First off I want to say that I can't promise that I'll be on as much

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First off I want to say that I can't promise that I'll be on as much. I kind of left for a reason, that being my interests were shifting and school started to consume more and more of my time. Currently I've been neck deep in homework and Academic competition. And the only free time I have is spent trying to keep my SR in Overwatch from declining.

My art has since consisted of doodles and school projects. I had previously wanted to complete my requests, and once those were finished maybe work my way into doing commissions. But as I looked back at the requests I finished, sitting and gathering dust in a folder, and I got depressed due to them not having the feeling my current art style has. I don't know if I'll go back and redraw them, or just trash them and redo my request sheet.

While gone, I have become happier with myself. Not much in a "I know I'm going to do well in the future" kind of feeling. But more of I'm happy how I can get through the day without stressing out completely. Not to say the stress isn't their, and it always will be. But more of it's not on my mind 24/7.

I can't say for sure if I'll be on here as frequently as I was in the past. With homestuck having now ended, attention is being drawn away by other things. I'm still a fan, but homestuck isn't, and never was, what i made this account for. I chose to be Nepeta_Catnip because (1) Nepeta is the best character (2) shes my favorite in homestuck (3) it was what I was really into at the time (4) roleplaying, which I don't do much for Nepeta now. As I slowly crawl back into the rhythm of things, I might focus more on drawing Overwatch things (D.Va marry me) or fawning over Daddio Gladdio in Final Fantasy 15; who knows what I'll do as I come back.

But there is the case that I just finish off this book entirely. I can either start a new book or close this account entirely due to the amount of old shit on here (it makes me cringe tbh). The problem with starting a new art book is that not as many people will view it as much as this one, example being what happened when I started this book and completed my original.

I'm more over rambling now, and typing like a mad man trying to express my thoughts and explain somethings. But honestly, I've just kind of move on to something else. Wattpad was fun, till responsibility came and said I need to take a break. Who knows, I may come back fully or I may not.

- love, Nepeta_Catnip admin

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