When Your Broken Down, Read My Quotes

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:;:This book is will encurage you to NEVER give up on your dreams:;:

When we hear the word "No" it just means its not time yet, each and every "No" is a test of our FAITH. Please stay strong and hold on a little bit longer, and always remember that your loved.

When you have come to the edge of all light that you know and are about to drop down in the darkness of the unknown, FAITH is knowing one of the two thing that will happen when you go, there will be something to catch when you fall or you will be taught to fly....

FAITH is taking your frist steps even thouh you dont see the stair case.

Hang OPain Ends stands for HOPE. You have the strength to get through this

Dont lose HOPE. When the sun goes down, the stars come out.

Dont Quit, when there's life, there's always HOPE.

COURAGE is the fear of failing, there is no failing unless you have fear.

It takes COURAGE to grow up and believe you can do anything

COURAGE is contagious! When a brave man takes his stand, the COURAGE in others are often lifted.

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