Part 10

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Hearing those words from Arnav, Khushi felt so many emotions in that moment that she don't know how to react? What to say?

" Arnav ji loves her" her heart was chanting only these words and looking at Khushi who was looking at him with stunned expressions.

Arnav realised what he said in spur of the moment but before he can say something else Khushi was hugging him. She was smiling , crying at the same time, overwhelmed with the emotions.

Khushi: "I Love you too" Arnav was shocked but he was feeling more guilty, if possible.
"How can she love him, when he did everything to make her life Hell"

Arnav: "I am sorry" he said hugging her Back.
Khushi: Again sorry? She said coming out of hug. Now what happened?

Arnav: yes again! For hurting you so much but when he saw khushi looking at him with confused expressions, he corrected.
Arnav: I mean for all the times I have hurt you in past.

Khushi: Arnav ji! I don't want to remember anything. I have already forgot enough, now I even don't want to remember what hurts us.
I know one thing " I Love you" and I want to start our relationship freshly. And now I am Really happy , don't spoil it. You Laad Governer! She said with a pout and Arnav chuckled looking at her antics.

Arnav hugged her and khushi tightens her hold on him in response, A tear escaped Arnav's eyes.

Arnav(in thought): "I am Sorry Khushi" Maybe this is my punishment that I can't even get your forgiveness. This is the worst punishment I can get that from now on I'll live every moment of my life in guilt" But I'll live like that , however difficult it may be , I'll not let it affect your happiness nor I'll take risk of your life just because I can't live with this guilt. "

From now on You'll get all the happiness which I have snatched even more than that. "Your happiness and safety will be my utmost priority now " thought a determined Arnav.

Arnav: You are right Khushi! Lets start everything again. We will make new memories , happy memories, but you have to help me in that.
" Are you with me?"

Khushi: Always! We'll do it , she said smiling widely. Arnav kissed her forehead, cheeks , her eyes and stopped at her lips, he was going to get away from her but Khushi stopped him and
her eyes said it all.

Next moment their Lips were sealing their promise to start a New life filled with new hopes.

Next morning Arnav woke to see other side of bed is empty , he frowned not finding Khushi beside him when he heard sound of shower snd guessed that she must be inside. He remembers how after their confession and their kiss ,they have talked about many random things cuddling into each other arms in this same or better to say khushi was talking
about her crazy dreams etc and he was chuckling, and saying some "What The's and "Unbelievable" in between but needless to say he enjoyed watching Khushi's expressions when she was talking.

Arnav was remembering those moments when he heard click of door and saw Khushi coming out of washroom dressed in baby pink Saree looking no less than Angel.

"Good morning," Arnav said as he got up , khushi replied him with her heart melting smile and started getting ready to go downstairs in front of mirror. Arnav was looking at Khushi as she
dried her wet hairs and again felt pain his heart that how much he made her suffer, if he was little more careful so they were living their life, more beautiful and Khushi wouldn't have
to face it all.

Khushi looked at him from the mirror to see him lost, he was looking at her but she can see his mind is somewhere else. Looking at him she thought about what happened last night and blushed "she still can't believe that how she urged him to kiss her when he was going to back off and not only this how shamelessly she participated in that kiss. Therefore when she woke up today, she directly started getting ready without disturbing Arnav , because she was too shy to face him after that kiss but seems like Laad
Governer is lost in some other world" .

Khushi: Arnav ji! Where are you lost? Are not you getting late for office? She asked combing her hairs without turning towards him and Arnav's​ thought broken with her voice, he got up smilingly and walked towards her.

Arnav: Khushi! Are you okay ? He asked standing behind her and khushi felt
goosebumps with his closeness , she shut her eyes and nodded. Arnav looked at her and smiled at her innocence, one minute she fight like wild cat, behaves like most intelligent person and suddenly behaves like innocent child.

" Yes! Innocent child whom you left no chance to hurt" chided his insides.

When he was again fighting within himself , khushi opens her eyes and looked at him , frowning.
Khushi: Arnav ji!
Arnav: huh?
Khushi: where are you lost? Go and get ready fast! Arnav nodded but again asked her.

Arnav: Tum theek ho? ( Are you okay?) Khushi looked down she knew he was asking about last night "hmph Laad Governer! Hell bent to embarrass me more, she mumbled to herself but Arnav heard and smirked at her craziness, hearing her he knew she was thinking about kiss, so thought to tease her.

Khushi: Ji! Now you go and get fresh, she said handling him another fresh towel.
Arnav: Khushi! Why your nose turned red, he said flicking her nose and Khushi turned more red. Arnav laughed and Khushi hide her face in his chest , he also hugged her back and dropped a kiss on her forehead.

Arnav: khushi! I was asking about your health. Hope you are not feeling dizzy anymore like last night. Khushi got more embarrassed on her silliness and replied that she is fine now.
Khushi: Now I am going! She said coming out of hug, Arnav nodded as Khushi left
downstairs. Soon his smiling face replaced by pain.

Arnav: You will be always good from now on, I'll make sure of it Khushi. Living with this guilt is my punishment but you'll not bear pain for others doings anymore. I'll live for you from now on, You'll smile, laugh like before. I'll again make you old, bubbly and carefree
khushi which was lost somewhere because of my deeds.

From now on every pains will be for me, you'll get only happiness. You'll find me with your evey step Khushi. I know I don't deserve you but you'll get everything you deserve even more.

If the truth is dangerous to your health than you'll live far away from it, you'll not come across it. I have decided to hide about Shyam from Di so she can live her dream world happily and gave you pain. But now you'll live happily in your own world of happiness which you want and Shyam will be out from it very soon.

" I just wish one day I'll be able to ask forgiveness from you. "I am sorry Khushi" he whispered in now isolated room.

Note: I know many of you must be wondering, What the hell I have written but You see Arnav will live this guilt and fear to lose Khushi from now on every moment. This will be his punishment. His repentance how he make Khushi's life beautiful and fill it with happiness without showing his inner turmoil like Khushi did for their Love ones. This is sometime biggest punishment that how he will live for Khushi from now on.

To be continued......

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