Chapter 25: The Black Templar

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"There is plenty of it here to do," Katherine sighed. She gestured toward the door, "Come, let us talk while we walk. I fear my humble office furniture is not up to the task of a visiting Marine."

"You flatter me, Katherine." he rumbled, as he followed her out the barely tall enough door. "Now, I would love simply to sit and talk about old times, but it seems those days have caught up with us." Jorn glanced down at her as they walked along the ramparts. "Is it true that Gaius has returned, then? Do we know what Gaius wants this time around?"

"My assumption would be conquest in the name of Slaanesh," The Canoness replied. "This is his homeworld, after all."

"Then it would seem that our Gaius is not as high above other humans as he would think, if he can sill be attached to things like his origin." Jorn mused. "I don't suppose you have made contact with him yet?"

"Not directly, no..." She shook her head. "Thus far I have only dealt with his servants. It is said that some of the Arbites encountered him, though I have not spoken with them."

"Then I will have to. Which brings me to my next question, can we trust the other Imperials here?" Jorn stopped in his tracks. "I apologize Katherine. I do not mean to interrogate you so. I have lost my manners since we parted," he joked weakly, "For I have been on a combat mission for the past two years, if you can believe that, with only my fellow marines and chapter-serfs. You are luckier, here with a planet to call home."

"This planet is not my home, Jorn, I only arrived a short time ago from Pentateuch," She led them to the right at the crux of the convent, heading for the altar. "We have faced the specter of betrayal already, and from the a Bishop of the Cathedral no less! If Gaius can turn a luminary of the Ecclesiarchy, I fear many others on the planet are corrupted."

"So it has always been." Jorn gazed out over the vast expanse of the hive. "Why is it so... quiet out there? The death of a Bishop alone should have caused an upheaval. Why does he not sweep over us? He must certainly have the numbers."

"He must not be prepared yet, and we should take hope in that. I think he is close though..." She looked down at her feet as they walked. "...he has his shock troops now."

Jorn could see the dread in Katherine's eyes and there was some time before he spoke again. "Who are they?"

Katherine closed her eyes and shook her head, ashamed, "At least half a commandery of Adepta Sororitas...the former sisters of this convent."

Jorn gently placed his hand on Katherine's armored shoulder. "Do not fell despair at this great crime, Katherine." He looked away. "Every day of our lives we Astartes live beneath the shadow of the bastard traitor legions. We take our strength from our hatred, and so should you." The marine paused. "Revenge will come for all of us in time."

"We are supposed to be better than that...pure," Katherine sighed, lifting her eyes to the statue of the Emperor on the Golden Throne. "She was supposed to be better..."

"I know you mean no offense, Katherine, although there are many of my brothers who would take it at such words," the marine said, after a moment. "But something tells me this goes deeper than your turned sisters."

"Rebecca was my most trusted confidante," The Canoness said heavily. "I made her Canoness of this Commandery. She knows my every very inner most thoughts." She bowed her head before the Simulacrum Imperialis. "If she can be turned, is there no one safe from corruption?"

"No. No one is." Jorn shook his head. "All the same, that is a blow to me. Clearly, Gaius has lost no power during his time in the Warp."

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