Chapter 23: The Manus Victoriae

Start from the beginning

Flavia was unsure if that was a blessing or not.

Katherine sat on the end of her bed, and the sixteen year old girl turned her tear-streaked face to the Canoness. The Mother Superior's face was serious, "Sister Flavia, You have more than earned the right to wear the Vestments of our order."

Flavia's eyes flickered to her ruined shoulder then back to the Canoness, "I am honored, Mother Superior. I fear I may be of less use now."

"The Hospitallers can replace your lost arm with one constructed by the Adeptus Mechanicus," Katherine replied. "A cybernetic replacement…though I have another offer."

"Another offer?" Flavia repeated, clearly confused. 

Katherine motioned over Sister Bethany, who was carrying a long box of aged wood, trimmed in filigreed brass. She laid it upon the Canoness' knees and Katherine opened it reverently. Raising her eyes from the contents, she turned it to Flavia so she could see. "Behold, the Manus Victoriae…the arm of Saint Victoria."

Flavia looked down in wonder at the cybernetic artifact. It was a work of art, crimson metal decorated with gold iconography of the Adeptus Sororitas. Prayers were etched into the surface of the metal, benedictions to call the Emperor's blessing. Flavia felt as though her heart had stopped while looking upon it.

"This is an ancient treasure of the Order, the arm worn by Saint Victoria in the defense of Cadia during the tenth Black Crusade." Katherine gently stroked the gold trim of the arm as she spoke, "It is said she slew a Daemon Prince with this very arm. If you are willing, you will be its next bearer…"

Flavia opened her mouth to reply but Katherine reached forward quickly to press her fingers to the girl's lips, "Wait…before you agree. The Manus Victoriae is a powerful artifact, revered by the Order…but there is a price. All those who have worn it have become great heroes of the Adeptus Sororitas. They have lived glorious…but perilously short lives. To bear this artifact is to accept the life of the Martyr. This arm will be the weapon with which you will destroy the fiends of Chaos…and it will also be your doom." She leveled her serious gaze upon the girl, "Will you accept this…"

The young sister didn't even let her finish, "I accept." 

Delphias Fedarsi was dead-tired, and every step shot pain through his battered frame. The battle with the Demon-sisters to break out had been one of the worst experiences of his life. Still, he was not done yet. He still had to go to the Inquisitor and have a talk he sincerely dreaded...

He edged into the room, trying to stifle the clump of his heavy boots on the infirmary floor, until he realized that Godschilde was awake. He stopped, his helmet in hand, unsure of what to say.

"Inquisitor Godschilde, I, ah-" He stopped, muttering. "I owe you an apology."

She had just finished dressing and was lacing her boots up when Delphais came edging in. She sighed mentally at first, the Arbite was a good man but he tried her patience at times. And he wasn't going to like what she had in mind for his future.

"An apology, Interrogator?" she asked calmly. 

"Yes Inquisitor, an apology." His voice was quite, unlike his usual growl, and his gallows humor had deserted him. "Much of what happened today was...a result of my wrongdoing. I should not have launched my attack without notifying you."

Simone sat still and regarded him. Something had happened to him today. Something that had cut him deeply. She closed her eyes for a heartbeat. Delphias' emotion swirled around her and she suddenly saw Gorson's face. She opened her eyes. "That is true, however it seems to be a common problem here on Byzantium."

"I'm afraid I don't understand your meaning, Inquisitor." Delphias said, after a moment's reflection.

"The Sisters of Battle also failed to notify me or anyone, for that matter, of their intent to attack the estate. The Mother Superior is not a trusting woman." Simone said with a touch of disapproval in her voice.

Delphias shook his head as Godschilde spoke. "They did notify someone." He took a breath. "The Sisters could not- did not launch that attack alone. I was with them, and I should have made some communication to you."

Is that so?" she stated, her voice cold.

He did not reply, but simply shook his head. He couldn't bring himself to look Godschilde in the eyes.

"Did Katherine also tell you that in order to fill out her ranks, she fielded teenage acolytes? Children in armor they had not trained for yet, in a battle they were hopelessly unprepared for?"

The arbitrator's head whipped up, his disgust evident. "That is...A great crime, yes, but they did not tell me, and you cannot hold me accountable for something over which I had no control!"

Simone waved away his protest with a sigh. "No, of course, you didn't know. Katherine was working on her own agenda." She rubbed her temples with both hands."However, your reluctance to include me in your planning does play a part of the disaster at the estate." She looked back to him with real concern evident in her eyes, And I bear part of that burden as well. I did not insist on obedience, I had hoped to earn your respect and confidence."

Delphias was aware that he had broken Godschilde's trust, and her words made him burn with shame. A part of him knew that the arbites were better than that, that he was better than that. Again he was silent.

Simone moved back to the bed and picked up the handheld and slipped it into the carrying case strapped to her waist. "I am afraid we no longer have that luxury of time. My good Trooper Clayborn…was murdered by that filth Gaius." Her throat closed and for a moment she was unable to speak. She swallowed and forced herself to continue, "It leaves me one man short. I have already contacted your superiors and cleared the paperwork." She turned and looked him in the eye, "You are now part of my retinue, Delphias. Once Malachi is able, he will fill you in on your duties and requisition you a new uniform."

Delphias paused for a moment, his mind whirring. The true import of Godschilde's words struck him and he almost stumbled backwards. "What do you mean paperwork, inquisitor? Your retinue? But my duties- the arbites- I have responsibilities! Byzantium needs it's arbites more than ever at this moment, and you would pull me from my place now?"

"Yes" she said simply. "There is no one else to replace Clayborn. No one I trust. While I may not appreciate every decision you have made; I trust you Delphias. I know you are a good man of the Emperor and I am asking you to serve him by working with me." Though she said 'asking' her voice left little room to doubt what she was truly saying.

"But my commission, my career..." he trailed off, stunned.

"Your career is in good hands with me, Delphias." She smiled warmly at him. "I have already resigned your commission so that you may begin work for me immediately." She strode past him out the door, with a slight limp to her walk. "You can find Malchi in the infirmary and see about your uniform. I expect you to be ready as soon as possible, Delphias." 

"You can make me your pet officer, but the uniform I am keeping!"

Simone rounded on him her gentle demeanor gone in a flash, "As I said, the luxury of time and patience is over. I will not tell you twice."

The force of her will shoved him back with physical force, and he stumbled backwards into a chair. He rubbed his temple and looked up at her, wondering. There had been more to that reprimand than her words. 

"If it must be so, Godschilde. I am forced to obey."

Simone grit her teeth over his childish petulance. If it is the only way to insure that this corruption is met head on with our best people in place, then, yes, you are forced to obey."

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