Toymaker and His Toys

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~~~3rd Persons P.O.V~~~

She quickly turned around to the speakers voice. He had red hair, green eyes that had a...glow in them, feathers on each of their shoulders, under the feathers was a vest with a coat, and he wore a hat on his head. "Hello, darling." He repeated himself with a grin of delight.
"U-um...hello." The smaller figure stuttered out with a small smile and wave of her hand. His smile only widened as he stool his hand out for female to shake she hesitated for a moment or two then reached her arm out, putting her smaller hand in his.

"A pleasure to meet you my name is Jason, Jason the Toymaker I suppose you could say!" He gave out a small snicker while shaking her hand. She smiled with glee and nodded her head.

"I'm (Y/N)." She spoke softly trying to make a good impression.
'(Y/N) the lonely' she finished the last part of her small introduction in her head. Seeing as it would be a bit rude and inconsiderate for a new start.

"And what is a pretty miss like yourself doing in a toy shop like this?" He raised an eyebrow curiously.
"Hm...I don't suppose you would believe me or not it I'm in fact looking for a 19th birthday present for myself." She sighed a little gloomy while crossing her arms above her chest. His smile slowly faded into a frown he knew what it felt like to be lonely.

~~~Jason's P.O.V.~~~

I knew this feeling, loneliness, betrayal, sadness. Heck, I'm experiencing it now, I haven't got a new friend after the last one tried to run away from me. I think this one will do nicely. "Um, Doll would you be interested in a job maybe. Working the toyshop? And yes, we have a choice in trinkets and music boxes for you." I smiled warmly at her and she smiled back.
"I would love a job here!" She cheered and she smiled somewhat wider, her eyes gleaming with a sparkle in the (E/C) eyes.
"Great! You could start in the morning, if you would like." She nodded, agreeing with me and I looked behind me towards the back room witch currently stinks the smell of bloodstains, wax, and gore was all I could think of after coming out of that room. It was more so of a... chamber than a room at this point. I looked back at the (H/C) colored figure. She would make a nice doll, I noticed while examining her features.
"So, I'll see you tomorrow?" She tilted her head.
"Yes, I hope so." I responded and tilted my hat towards her and she nodded while smiling.
"Then see you later, Jason." She waved as she walked out of the door, the bell jingling as the rain stopped pouring.
"See you tonight..." I muttered the last part under my breath as I waved back towards her. After she was out of the sight form my view I quickly grabbed my black coat and put it on along with putting my hat up. I then changed the sign on the door for it to read 'Closed for the day!' In a verity of colors and patterns. I then looked towards the way the smaller figure went and seen her, her hood was up and she lived a couple of puddles, silly thing. I smiled as I trailed far behind her making a turn into a nearby ally so it doesn't look like anything suspicious. I ran through the ally, watching through the spaces in between the buildings at her to see witch direction she's going.
'Your acting like a creep again, Jason.' I said to myself while rolling my eyes.
'Then again when aren't you a creep?' I giggled at the little conversations I was having with myself and looked back at the girl, she stopped at a pretty big and fancy looking house. I tilted my head confused "I thought it would be the opposite...why would she want to go away from here?" I shook my head and walked up to one of the windows where I lifted my head up to see what was happening and who was in the room. 'No (Y/N) just a cook and a maid they seem to be having a nice conversation, judging by their silent giggles and smiles' I thought to myself as I walked over to another window and boosted myself up to the window and peered in with my green orbs 'ah, there she is my new dol- I mean friend' I quickly corrected my own thoughts. I opened up the window and crawled through it as the girl walked upstairs it was dark outside and slowly turning night. 'Hm...this should be interesting...' I thought as I walked quietly after the female. 'Should I do it? Is she going to be a good friend? Will she betray so many others?' Similar questions like these popped into my head it was...heart racing I should say. (Y/N) walked into a room that had a base color being red and the design like blood dripping from the top of the door in black with a plain white piece of paper on it, the paper said nothing to my sight. I was rather confused at the sight but I watched anyway, ignoring the paper. She walked into her room and slammed the door closed I raised an eye brow. 'What happened to her?' I asked myself, gosh I was asking a lot of questions to myself that I couldn't even answer. I then got my attention back towards the door as I heard sobs coming from what I believe was her room. "I should go-...."
'Go where back to the Toyshop? It's boring there and I want adventure.' I yelped when I heard the 'voice' and looked at the small trinket I had in my pocket, it had sparkles for the dress and painted (Y/N)'a hair color...the same eye color's pretty odd but I'll go with it.
"...go help her...I mean..." I responded wearily while walking over to the door and shoving the trinket back in my pocket. I peered in though the keyhole and looked at her, she was laying on her bed while staring up at the ceiling and occasionally wiping her eyes from the dried tears that now stained her face. I opened the door and closed it right after I walked inside of the females room.
"Go away." She growled and I stepped back slightly.
"Oh...okay...I came in here to try and cheer you up but...never mind I guess." I frowned it was fake. She jolted up and looked at me, surprised.
"J-Jason? What a-are you doing here?" She tilted her head and stood up.
"Well...I was wondering if you...I...dunno honestly..." I frowned and looked back at the closed door behind me.
"Wondering what?"
"If you would my friend." My eyes started to glow slightly an she backed up.
"O-of course I will." She smiled warmly towards me and I grinned.


Well that's it for today! Thank you for reading! And also I'm going to be improving on how much I guys do like more in a chapter, right? I so good if not I can lower it. :3~ Rae B.
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Doll, Come Out and Play (Jason the Toymaker x Reader)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα