The Beginning

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Tall Sky was awoken by the sound of loud rumbling outside the cave where his clanmates slept. He sighed as the gray tortoiseshell tom stood to his paws and stretched before weaving around his friends to stand at the cave entrance. Tall Sky heard movement behind him and turned to see his father, Morning Frost. Tall Sky grumbles to himself before turning back to look out of the cave entrance. "Don't ignore me; I know you still hate me and your mother. You also don't like Rising Fawn or my new kits, Thunderkit, Lightningkit, Risingkit and Fallingkit, because they remind you of your forgotten sisters." Morning Frost said quietly not to wake anyone else up. Tall Sky growled and unsheathed his claws, "If Storm Cloud didn't die from your ignorance then they wouldn't be alive, and no harm would be done!" Tall Sky whisper yelled back at his father baring his teeth. Morning Frost sighed as he pawed the ground frustrated. "You can't keep blaming my mate, your new siblings, and me for being the cause of Storm Cloud's death." Tall Sky was getting angrier by the seconds that went by. "I can and I will!" He yowled as thunder cracked and a bright light flashed moments later. "Everyone hurry get out of the cave it is about to collapse!" Morning Frost yowled as a bunch of cats rushed forward and out of the cave. "Dark Leaves and Apple Dusk come with me to help everyone out!" Morning Frost yowled as they went into the cave. Tall Sky stood frozen as the ground shook and Rising Fawn rushed out of the cave carrying two kits while Falcon Wing carried the other two. Blossom Ear was standing at the entrance waiting as Apple Dusk was carrying Rockkit to her as the entrance crumbled shut. "No Rockkit!" She yowled as everyone stood in shock at the cause of events that just unfolded in front of them. "Morning Frost is still in there we have to save him!" Rising Fawn yowled as Falcon Wing looked at her with sad eyes and held her back. "Look I'm sorry, but he is gone along with Apple Dusk, Dark Leaves, and Rockkit. They all will be missed dearly." She said as tears streamed down her face for her mate Apple Dusk. "Dark Leaves can't be gone! What about his kits?" Silver Flame cried out into Slate Dreams shoulder. Blossom Ear hid her face into Coal Stripes pelt grieving for their lost kit. "Who will be our new leader?" Claw Heart called out his eyes gleaming as he stood next to Smokepaw, his daughter who was shaking. Rising Fawn stood from her lying down position with her kits. "It is only the right choice for the leader's only son to become leader in his place." She said in a weak voice, but loud enough for all the cats to hear. "I-I can't be leader!" Tall Sky said loudly. "He is right; Tall Sky shouldn't have even lived. He failed us and now you want him to become leader?" Everyone turned to the old cat known as Stone Healer; he helped any sick cat or queen with her kits. Rising Fawn growled, "Stone Healer we have lost a kit and three very important warriors today! I am not leader, but for Blossom Ear's sake I am no longer calling Rockkit by a weak name, but by Rock Rumble, for his strong manner of making it through this and make it to Starclan peacefully." Rising Fawn dipped her head to the grieving queen who thanked her with a respectful bow. Stone Healer growled "Don't come to me for help when you realize what a curse he really is!" Rising Fawn smiled and walked towards Tall Sky "You are the kit of Storm Cloud and Moring Frost, in honor of them both; I change your name to Tallstar, leader of Nightclan. After the fateful leader and after the events of tonight we will be known as Nightclan, Survivors of The Last Night!" After she said this all of the cats bowed in respect. Tallstar was uncomfortable, but stood tall and spoke out to his clanmates. "It is an honor to be the first leader of Nightclan. I say since our home has collapsed, we camp out until a little after dawn then head out to search for a new place to stay!" All the cats agreed weakly as they were shaken up after the rain stopped. They curled up next to a loved one and fell asleep with troubling nightmares.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Mar 26, 2017 ⏰

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