Chapter 6

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Jack and Spencer woke up at about the same time the following morning only to find that Aaron had already left for his run. They finished in the bathroom and made their way downstairs where Spencer started the kettle for coffee.

J: How often do you go jogging Spencer?

SR: Never.

J: What, really?

SR: Mostly. Sometimes Morgan comes over to my place and forces me to go run with him but I never do it out of my own will

J: Then maybe you should start running with my dad.

SR: Not any time soon Jack.

J: I'm sure that he won't mind.

SR: I know, he already offered last week.

J: Then you can go right?

SR: No, I don't think so. I'd rather stay here and make him a cup of coffee for when he comes back.

J: Okay.

Spencer made himself a cup of coffee and gave Jack his hot chocolate.

SR: What's for breakfast?

J: I think my dad will come make pancakes when he gets back.

AH: Correction, the three of us are going to make pancakes. (He said as he came back into the house)

J: You're going to teach us?

AH: Mm-hm, let's get started.

J: After you take a shower.

AH: Careful little man. (He warned)

SR: I am inclined to agree with Jack, Aaron.

AH: Keep gong and neither one of you will eat anything.

J: You love us too much to do that, dad.

AH: I know. I'm going to go take that shower and there better be some coffee left when I get back.

SR: Hopefully. (He smiled)

AH: Spencer. (He warned before leaving the kitchen)

J: It's so easy to mess with my dad.

SR: Don't let him hear you say that. (He smiled)

J: When are we going to start with the project?

SR: I don't know do you have any chores to do?

J: All I have to do today is take out the garbage and wash the breakfast dishes.

SR: Then we'll start after we do the dishes.

AH: Jack has to do them on his own, Spencer.

SR: He does when I'm not here.

J: Yes I do.

AH: I forgot that I wasn't supposed to bring you back here anymore, the two of you together are just a bad combination.

SR: Mm-hm, now let's get to baking or is it cooking?

AH: Let's make pancakes, Dr Over Analyser.

Jack laughed before joining his father and Spencer by the stove. Aaron showed them both how to make it and then the two of them had to make one each. Aaron's pancakes looked marginally better than those of Jack and Spencer's but he tasted both of theirs anyway.

AH: It might look a little different but it tastes the same.

SR: Maybe because we used the same batter.

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