Starting To Change

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"We were always told the same thing, or at least I have been, that superheroes, and heroes, were not a thing. Too soon did I realize the chance of being more then just another human were slim, that I would never really matter, no matter what I did, no matter who I became. The reality was brutal, that I was not special, I would never stand out, no one would ever remember me. There were no heroes, only people looking to gain from others happiness, and generosity. It felt so cruel, the feeling of helplessness, the feeling of being so worthless and broken. What would be the point if you never made a difference. But then why are they telling me I'm special? Why is there a hero? Is there a point now?"

'My name is (Y/N) (Y/LN), I have always been told I was "Smart" by those around me. Although it was intended to bring praise all it did was bring pressure. However now I have become a detective much to my families dismay. They wanted me to become a Lawyer or Doctor, but I grew tired of living in their expectations. The people working at my precinct are rather interesting, but my favorite would have to be watching Barry Allen come up with excuses as to why he was late. Although we have never talked, I could already see his crush on Detective Joe's daughter Iris, not that I would like to talk to him, I'd rather spend my time with the T.V on Netflix, and YouTube on my laptop.'

"(Y/N)? Hello? You in there?" The rather annoying human said as he waved a hand in front of my eyes. A strained growl left my lips as I answered with a sharp tone "Yes I'm here Leo." My eyes narrowed towards the mans face. His looks, if I were to describe, is the hair of the Tenth Doctor, the eyes of Sherlock Holmes from the T.V show, and the face of Dean Winchester. It was rather... Strange? I would have to admit though that he was slightly above average. "I know that you're probably internally fangirling over Harrison Wells, but we have work to do" He teased as Leo handed me the case file, which must have been his original intention of annoyance. "To keep you're facts straight I shall state that just because I came here to witness the Particle Accelerator does not mean I "Fantasize" about the man who made it all possible," My eyes glared daggers into his twinkling blue ones as they were accompanied by mischief within. "I never said you were "Fantasizing"." Soon enough a crimson red covered my ears and rose up my neck as the man stated out my mistake. "Anyways, enough with you're creepy fantasizing about the older man, Captain told me to give you these files" Leo's smirk started to dig into my mind and took all my willpower to not stand up and strangle the man, no matter how tempting it sounded. "Whatever" I brushed the man off and returned to doing my work. "I'm sorry I was late, the traffic was bad" I could hear the annually late Barry Allen make excuses for his tardiness to an expecting Detective Joe. His eyes caught mine as they wandered around the room, you could almost see the puppy like qualities from his eyes alone, they were the emerald green of beautiful jewellery, the ones you dream of staring into for ages, but I quickly looked away and worked on the papers handed to me previously.

I stared at the clock and noticed there were only 5 minute until history would be changed for hopefully the good of humanity. If I didn't move quickly, I wouldn't be there for when they turn it on. After cleaning up I ran over to my car and drove towards STAR Labs. "Shit it was already turned on." My eyes looking to my watch. Soon enough I just decided to just drive somewhere where I could see the lab at, which happened to be on top of a shop nearby. The night was rather chilly but I continued to sit upon this roof I had so "Gracefully" gotten upon. After an amount of time that I couldn't remember there was a strange sound radiating from the lab as I felt something push me. Soon enough my eyes blurred, and I could vaguely hear a sound of an explosion, and whoosh as I was flung off the roof and the blurring turned to a dark black.

"She is stabilizing" A woman's voice spoke as her foot prints left from my side. The dreaded feeling of drowsiness washed over me and I fell back into sleep. My eyes opened and I stared around me to grasp my situation and I soon realized that I had ended up in a hospital. To the right of my bed was a plain white drawer, no flowers, nothing. Although there was a window with a bright light that burned my eyes. To my left was a door to what I assumed would end up in the hall of the hospital. The door was of course closed, and my iv was dripping slowly into the tube. After looking around at the boring walls surrounding me I heard the door squeak and a lady entered the room. "Hello Miss, you must be wondering where you are and why." The woman had fair skin, blonde haired, blue eyes, and rather generic. "I suppose I am rather curious," I stared at her eyebrows as they furrowed together, and lips stretched into a thin line. "You were out for months from an explosion caused by the Particle Accelerator."

Poll Time

I am wondering what the Main Characters power should be lol


Time slowing? (Or stopping for a short amount of time)

Mind Control (Persuasion?)

Comment which would be a good idea lol

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2017 ⏰

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