I raised my hand cutting him off.

"ah yes Ms.love"

I cleared my throat

"oh shit here she go" I heard spud say.

"I heard what Ice T" I used quotation marks around his name,"said also, he was trying to explain to the media why he prefers white women over black women, he believes that a man should have total control in a relationship and that black women try to control the relationship because of their attitude and smart mouths"

"and I as a black woman wasn't knocking his opinion until he in fact came for us black women here he is a black man speaking down on us sisters talking about we talk back of course we do we're humans not dogs we do what we feel is right and nobody should have a fucking say so in what we do! this man sat there and talked down I mean down on us! did he not forget he is married to a white woman who calls herself coco! last time I checked coco is black not no damn white talking about white women know how to listen he can kiss my black ass-"

Mr.Drew stopped me "okay Ms.Love watch the language I hear where your coming from-"

"but do you really?"I said cutting him off once again.

Ohh's went around the room and I sucked my teeth it's not that serious.

"not being rude Mr.Drew but everyday we as black women go through so much and at the end of the day we don't wanna hear a black man talking down on us trying to come at us about our weave saying how it makes us look fake, how? if I feel like I wanna be Halle berry all I gotta do is slap on me a wig! weave makes us feel good knowing we can be whoever we want but at the end of the day we know how to take it off/out we love our natural but it's only so much natural a woman can take! we like to be a little different sometimes that doesn't make us fake it makes us creative even festive okay!"

"yasss bitch" Abby leaned over and gave me a high five.

Mr.Drew smiled "I hear you sister but we're getting a little off topic what happened to love?"

"we have to love our black" I stated.

"okay well you guys have a project partner up with the opposite sex and I want you to speak on a type of love in the black community, this project is due in four weeks"he stood up and started to write the due date on the board.

I quickly looked away from spud, I did not have time to play around with him we'll never get this project done.

"hey storm wanna be my partner"he looked up from his hands and at me.

"uh yea that's fine" I smiled and turned back around.

"aye bitch no fair I wanted to work with him" Abby said throwing her eraser at me.

I stuck my tongue out at her "you snooze you lose heffa better work with spud"

Spud winked and blew a kiss at her causing her to cringe and me to smirk.




I rubbed my hands down my pants leg as I sat quietly in the passenger seat of Deja's car.

"Bitch go!" she yelled out her window as she blew the horn.

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