Dear Anna, [Alna] -Erin

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| Ally's P.O.V |

Dear Anna;

Hey there baby girl! It's me Ally, but you probably already knew that. How's it going being in Cali once again? I hope it's not better than being with me because that would make me really sad. I miss you and love you baby!  When you get this don't forget to write back. Can't wait to see you again next summer!

Love, Ally xoxo

I put the cap back on the pen and folded the paper neatly so it was now a small rectangle. I wanted to make sure it was perfect to send to Anna. I slid it into the small cream colored envelope before licking it shut. Now taking a red pen I wrote down where I wanted this beauty to be sent to. To Anna of course!

"Perfect!" I smiled, looking down at my handiwork.

I got up from my computer chair ignoring the Skype messages from you know who. Yes, we still do Skype and do all the other shit couples do, but this was different. This will be somewhat of a surprise to her. I threw on my jacket and a beanie before stepping out into the freezing cold air of New York. I walked for a little while until reaching the mailbox. As I walked closer to the big blue mail carrier sticking into the sidewalk, I smiled. After all this time contemplating about sending this damn letter, I'm finally doing it. I'm actually going outside and doing something that benefits Anna and I. 

"This is for you..." I quickly kissed the letter before dropping it inside. "In just a few weeks, maybe months you'll get this and you'd cry because I know I defiantly will!

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