Chapter 100: My Life With You

Start from the beginning

I go over to him and brush some of his hair off of his face; he seems so carefree and peaceful at the moment that I can't help but smile and chuckle a little.

"What are you smiling at so happily?"

Oh dear, did I wake him up? My bad.


He pulls my arm and I fall on top of him.


"Good morning. Can I have my good morning kiss?"

"It's already the afternoon, silly."

"Is that so? Then can I have my good afternoon kiss?"



I really can't go against him when he asks with that tone and with that face. Sigh. This hasn't changed over the years. I don't think I'll ever be able to overcome that as long as I live.

I lean forward and give in to his request; his lips are soft. A big smile forms on his face and it's just too cute to bear. My poor heart is beating too fast.

"Now I'm energized. I'm cured of my Kaori deficiency."

"K-Kaori deficiency? What are you saying?" That's making me feel embarrassed.

Aine then comes over. "Papa, mama made cookies." He holds one out to Ai.

Ai takes a bite of the cookie from Aine's hand. "They taste good as always. Mama's cookies are the best, aren't they?"

Aine nods. "Mama could have a bakery here in Tokyo one day."

"That not a bad idea." I say happily as I thought about it.

Ai looks at me with a blank expression; he's thinking of something.

"That's not a bad idea indeed but..." he looks at Aine. "Mama is already an idol and composer so she becomes busy sometimes, right? She's also your mother who takes care of you and the house while papa is away, right? If she puts up a bakery, then she won't have any more time for me and you. We'll be lonely, won't we?"

Ai hugs me tightly and Aine's eyes widen as he realizes what his father is saying.

"Papa, you're right. Never mind about the bakery, I want mama to spend more time with us. I want mama to stay with us." Aine then tightly hugs me too; he's such a cute little kid longing for his mother.

"H-Hey! You two are hugging me too tightly!"

"We're recharging, mama. We have mama deficiency."

"Aine, not you too!"

"That's right. Aine and I are just recharging for a while so leave us be, Kaori."

My child-like husband and son laugh as I attempt to escape from them. It's two against one; this isn't fair!

"Aine, could you get out of the chair for a moment? Your mother won't be comfortable if she stays on top of me like this the whole time; she might fall too."

Aine nods and obediently gets off of the chair. Ai then lets me lie down beside him; we make space in the middle between us and he turns to Aine.

"You can join us now. Come and lie down over here with us."

Aine happily gets on the chair and lies down between me and Ai. He looks so happy like a little puppy.

"This is comfortable and I get to enjoy both mama and papa." he says happily.

I chuckle seeing his adorable smiling face.

"Then let's stay like this for a while. Would you like that, Aine?" Ai asks.

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