Chapter 99: Love and Sound

Start from the beginning

"Syo-chan and I were so surprised because it was really big! You looked really awesome!"

"I'm happy to know that your work is going well." Masato says. "You keep on improving each time we see your work; I am truly amazed."

"I still have a lot to learn." Ai says.

"You're humble as always, Ai senpai."

I happily flash a peace sign with a big smile. "My husband is the best!"

Everyone laughs and so did I. Ai seems to be a little embarrassed over my actions; so adorable.

"You're lucky to have Kaori as a wife, Ai-Ai! Look at just how proud she is of you!"

We turn around towards the familiar voice.

"Rei-chan, Tokiya-san, you're both here!" I say as I greet them.

"It's great to see you two! How are you, future parents? Wha! Kaori-chan, your tummy is so big!"

"You seem healthy. I hope that you'll have a safe delivery when the time comes."

"Thank you, Tokiya-san. You seem to be in good shape and your complexion is good too; take care of yourself always despite the busy schedule!"

"That won't be a problem."

"It shouldn't be since I know someone is taking good care of you these days, right?"

I grin at Haruka who blushes in return.

"She's been doing a great job keeping me healthy and happy. I wouldn't ask for anyone else but her."

"You give me too much credit..." Haruka says in a low embarrassed voice.

"If you two ever need help, we're always here to lend a hand!" Rei-chan says as he pats Ai's head.

"Are you two hungry? We have some snacks and tea; I could prepare them right now."

"There's no need, Haruka; it's okay. We ate before leaving the house. Oh! By the way, I bought a copy of your piano instrumental album last week and the baby liked it a lot! He kept on moving when he was listening to it."

"I'm happy to hear that! I wouldn't be surprised if he would end up loving music too when he grows up since he'll be surrounded by wonderful music at home."

"Eh? You let the baby listen to music? How'd you do that?" Syo asks.

"We put the headphones on Kaori's tummy." Ai says.

"Oh, I didn't know about that. That's kinda cool."



"Ai..." I take hold of his hand.

"What is it?"

"It...hurts...My stomach hurts!" This's different from a normal stomach ache. It's five times more painful!

"Kaori-chan?! Are you okay?!" Natsuki asks.

Before I could say anything, I feel something drip down my legs.

"Her water has broke! She's going into labor!" Tokiya-san says.

"It hurts! Ai, I'm going to give birth! Take me to the hospital! Argh! Please, hurry!"

"Reiji! Help me get her to the car!"

"Let's take my car! I left it running since I wasn't planning on staying here long!"

"We'll help as well!" Masato says as he, Syo, and Natsuki start to help me get up from the sofa too.

The next thing I knew was that I was already in Rei-chan's car together with Ai, Natsuki, and Syo. Haruka and Masato are right behind us with Tokiya-san driving his car.

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