"Okay, noted. Let's get going, Manager-san; it would be rude to be late."

Manager-san and I headed for the car to get going with the busy schedule for the day. I just want to keep working right now; I don't want to stay at the dorm for a while...


"Camus, have you seen Kaoru around? I got no idea where she's at and I'm gonna return this CD to her."

"That woman hasn't been around for days; I am curious if she even sleeps anymore. According to what Aijima has heard from the others, she's been working nonstop."

Kurosaki-senpai sighs. "Yeah, Ren and Masato said the same. I've heard she sleeps in her manager's car because of her tight schedule; Haruka says that he drops by the dorm sometimes to get Kaoru's things or clothes. She should take it easy."

Kurosaki-senpai sees Mikaze-senpai entering the lobby.

"Ai, have you heard anything from Kaoru lately?"

"...No, I haven't. I haven't seen her for days..."

"You tried messaging or calling her? She doesn't reply to my messages."

"She doesn't reply to my messages or answer my calls either; I have no information regarding her location or activities. I'd be at ease if she would just reply even once..."

Kurosaki-senpai gives the CD to Mikaze-senpai. "If you see her, return this for me. I've got to go; I've got some gigs today."

"Okay...I'll put this on her desk and leave a note."


"Kaori, wake up; it's time to wake up. We've arrive at the set for the drama series. You have to get to the dressing room right away."

"Yes...Good morning..."

Ugh, my head hurts from sleeping at the back of the car; the trip wasn't exactly smooth this time. I went straight to the dressing room and had my makeup and hair done; me and Kunisaki-san's part is the first scene for today's filming so I went to the set immediately.

"Kaori-chan, you look kind of pale today."

"It's nothing. Let's do our best today."

I don't know what's worse, the fact I'm with Kunisaki-san or my headache; I just can't win today. I wasn't in my best condition today so we had to do some scenes over and over again; I can't concentrate very well. Kunisaki-san...I can't understand what he's saying; his mouth is moving but it's like I can't hear anything. I'll just rely on the script since I know his lines too but...what part are we at now? I don't...know.

I grab Kunisaki-san's arms. He became surprised since I did something that's not in the script.

"Kaori-chan, what are you doing? Is there something wrong?" he whispers.

"I can't...feel my legs."

My legs then gave up on me. I couldn't feel my legs at all or move them; I couldn't stand.

"Whoa there! Hey, Kaori needs help! She says she can't feel her legs! I think she can't stand!"

Some staff members rushed to help me; I really can't move my legs...they've lost strength. Manager-san also helped me and requested for an immediate break.

This sucks. This really really sucks. I was sent back to my dressing room and Manager-san made me take a nap and rest; that's all I did for the entire break.

Me and AiWhere stories live. Discover now