Chapter 54: Music To My Ears

Start from the beginning

"What?! She went out?! T-there's a storm coming in today!"

"Storm?! I didn't know that! The weather forecast this morning said that it's just going to rain all day today so that's what I told Kaori."

"The forecast changed a while ago. They said that it has become stronger and developed into an incoming storm!"

"Oh no!"

"Nanami, did she mention where she was headed to?!"

"N-no...she just said that she was going to buy some things and come back right after. But, she did promise to message me about her whereabouts from time to time."

"Couldn't she have just gone shopping some other day?!"

"I told her that but she said that there was something she wanted to buy badly today; she didn't tell me though what it was."

"Nanami, go with me. Help me look for Kaori."


Haruka and Manager-san went to his car and started driving away.


Am I lucky today? There aren't much people out today though it's a weekend. At least it won't be crowded in the store then. I continued walking down the street and noticed that it seemed really dark though it's only morning. The rain will definitely be heavy indeed; I should hurry quite a bit. I picked up my pace and arrived at the music store in a matter of fifteen minutes or so. Actually, I'm not sure; how long have I been walking? I shrugged.

I entered the store and headed towards the new releases section of the shelves. To my delight, the album that I wanted to buy was available; it was Mikaze-senpai's new album. I took one copy from the shelf and went over to the cashier to pay for it; I put the album in my bag for safekeeping.

"Ah, I should message Haruka."

I opened my cell phone and composed a message.

"Haruka, I just bought something from Lively Notes music store. I'm going to head over to the nearest department store to buy one last item then I'll be on my way back."

I pressed the send button.

I stepped out of the music store and it started to drizzle. I held out my hand to the rain and the droplets felt heavy and really cold as they landed on my hand; I should hurry. I took out my foldable umbrella, opened it, and immediately went to the nearest department store. As I walked, I looked up at the sky and though it was dark and full of clouds with the rain showering down, somehow it was beautiful to watch. I entered a department store named West Valley and as promised, I messaged Haruka.

*beep beep beep*

Wow. Haruka sure replied fast this time.
I opened my phone and read her message.

"Kaori, I'm with Manager-san right now in his car; we're coming to pick you up. He said that he's been calling you but you won't answer. He's going to call you after a minute so please answer it."

Sigh...this means that I'll be heading back already?! I just have to buy one more item. Sigh...
My phone rings and sadly the caller ID tells me it's Manager-san. I sighed and took a deep breath and pressed the answer button.

"Hello, Manage—"

"Kaori, where are you right now?! Why weren't you answering my calls?! I'm only fortunate enough to meet Nanami on my way to the dorm!"

"M-Manager-san! You were calling me? I didn't hear my phone ring; maybe it didn't go thru to me because of the weather? Haha, I'm very sorry."

"You're in West Valley, right?! I'm heading there right now with Nanami. You stay there and wait, okay?!"

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