forgive or forget

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hi I'm lexi me and Bradley have been best friends for about 7 years but when he was going to move away he promised me he would never forget me and we would stay in contact for as long as. im 17 years old i have brown eyes and brown hair im not that tall im a little bit taller than brad, im not that girly well im not girly at all i love sports, geography, and music. 

~~~~~ flashback 2 years~~~~~#

"swear you will never forget me" i said hugging brad

"lexi i swear" brad said hugging me more

"brad i c-cant br-breath" i said

"oh sorry lex"

just then the car for brad arrived to take him to the airport him and this band the vamps were moving to Australia.

we waved one last time then he went, I felt a tear coming so I ran inside.


Jas: do you still like brad or has your feeling moved on since you lost contact

yer u see my friends Katie and Jas  have come over for a sleep over but when ever they come they always have to speak about him the one who said hed never forget me and did, well were having this sleepover cause were  moving to Australia tomorrow.


"wakeup lex" Katie said well shouted

and then suddenly I fell head first on the floor 

"owwwww" I said to the floor

I got up and dragged myself Into the bathroom got showered, got changed and put on my usual make up { mascara, blusher and lip gloss} I was wearing a blue short {I never wear dresses I n real life so I don't know what kind} dress just to look a little bit better.

after that me, jess and Katie were going to live in Australia yay 


hurricane[ a bradley will simpson/ the vamps fanfic] **completed**Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang