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1. First thing first is choosing your course. Well , macam biasa of course kita nak pilih course yang kita minat dan boleh bawa. as me , i want to choose diploma in tourism management , malangnya my math was suck tahap lulus je so takleh apply kat uitm , kalau nak pun ambil dekat ipts . Enough about me la. its about you guys . Korang kalau still confuse nak pilih course apa , try pegi dekat edufair or sometimes dekat sekolah korang ada pameran kerjaya kan , why not try surveying every booths , ambil brochures yg dia kasi , go through every page , bulatkan mana yang korang rasa macam best macam korang minat then search in the google . There must be a lot of info from our seniors .

2. SPM is what you have to go through first before going to ipt. lepas dah target nak ambil course apa , you should know the entry requirement about the course kena kredit math ke  lulus sejarah ke apa semua tu kena ambil kira . target spm nak dapat berapa supaya layak ambil subjek yg korang suka tu . korang mesti kena fikir dr sekarang kalau tak susah sangat nak fikir lepas dapat result nanti .

3. Tak kisah la lepas ni korang masuk IPTA ke IPTS ke korang kena study betul2 sebab lepas ni kalau korang main2 tak ke mana la hidup korang . Bukan nak menghina tapi kalau drpd awal main2 baik terus kerja je betul tak? so study hard and make your parents proud of you ❤.

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