Chapter 4: The Other Side of the Snow

Start from the beginning

"Excuse me, Tsukimiya-sensei."
"Ah! Yes? What is it, Kaori-chan?"
"Can I ask for your help?"
"My help?"

I gave Tsukimiya-sensei a guitar. "You see, I need someone to play the guitar but I can't do that at the same time while I play the piano so could you play for me?"

Tsukimiya-sensei nodded and I handed her the sheet music that I finished.

"Wah!? You already finished writing the melody?!" Tsukimiya-sensei said.

"Ah...yes I finished it. I would like to practice the melody now so that I could complete the lyrics."
I walked back to the piano and Tsukimiya-sensei sat beside the piano. The beginning of the song has the piano playing first and on the latter part of the song, the guitar comes in and takes the lead while the piano accompanies it then at the last portion of the song, the guitar and piano will play together. We started practicing the melody.

"Kaori-chan! The melody sounds good! I think it's wonderful." Tsukimiya-sensei said with such an enthusiastic smile. It made me feel happy.

"Tsukimiya-sensei, what did you feel when you were listening to the melody?"

"What did I feel? Hmm...I thought the song was going to be sad in the beginning but after a while, it made me feel happy inside. I don't know how to exactly describe it but it's like I felt sad but I was happy at the same time."

When Tsukimiya-sensei said that, I knew that the melody was in the right track. That was what I was aiming for. We continued to practice the melody and I made a few revisions after listening to it over and over again. I felt that it was getting better each time we played it.

After playing the melody over and over again, I felt satisfied with the melody and started to write the lyrics as we played each part of the melody. I already wrote some lyrics a while ago but I had to revise them to fit the melody and give a better meaning or feeling to the song. After a long while, I finally found the right words for the lyrics and the song was complete.

"Finally! The song is complete!" I said in joy.

"It is a very nice song, Kaori-chan. I think that you could pass Saotome's test!"

Tsukimiya-sensei...thank you very much. I smiled at her and we practiced until the time for the performance came. Tsukimiya-sensei brought me to the auditorium where a piano was already waiting for me on the stage and Saotome-sensei and Hyuga-sensei were already sitting in the audience.

I greeted them and proceeded to the stage together with Tsukimiya-sensei. I sat on the piano chair and Tsukimiya-sensei sat beside the piano with the guitar in her arms.

"A guitar and a piano? Interesting." Hyuga-sensei said.
"HAHAHA! I wonder what kind of song did she come up with? Will it shine like the spirit in her eyes?" Saotome-sensei then crossed his arms and waited in anticipation.

"This is it, Kaori-chan. Do your best!" Tsukimiya-sensei gave me a thumb up.
"The title of this song is The Other Side of the Snow. I hope you will enjoy listening to this song."
I smiled, closed my eyes, and took a deep breath before I began with the piano and sing.

I miss you sitting here with me on this bench under the tree

I know you're somewhere out there in this cold snowy field

Walking down this street covered in sweet powder, I smiled to myself

The birds were flying by going to a warmer paradise

They were beautiful like the smile on your face

The way you looked at me was the best thing in this place

I turned to the corner on the bottom of the sugar hill

There, I saw the vending machine you loved to get milk

I put a bill inside and ordered one

One not two because one is gone

I continued walking down another path

Just by myself with the falling sugar wrath

But after a while, I finally reached the bench

I sat down alone and placed the milk on the other end

In this weather of sugar powder I wonder to myself

Where did you go? I wonder why you left

It's different now that you and I are alone

How long has it been since we both sat and felt cold?

Over and under, left and right

I don't where I lost my sight

I just know that somewhere here

I know I'd find you sitting near

Holding a cup of milk warm just like the sun

I feel my heart burning for what I've done

I hear you thank me and a smile grows on me

I wish that these things would just let things be

You're cold on that bench don't worry I'm coming your way

For being so late, I've got nothing to say

My arms long to touch you and make you warm again

I'm sorry for leaving you I don't know how to explain

I know we're in the same powdered hill but somehow we're not

I hope that I'll find you with your love in my thought

In this journey I seek, I wonder where you could be

I wonder if what you see is what I see in front of me

I miss you sitting here with me on this bench under the tree

I know you're somewhere out there in this cold powdered field

I'll wait here for you today, tomorrow, all of my days

Just hurry or else this hot milk will freeze in its place

My song finished and I opened my eyes. "Thank goodness, it went well." I thought to myself.
I looked at Tsukimiya-sensei and she was smiling.
"Congratulations." She whispered.

I looked behind him and searched for Saotome-sensei and Hyuga-sensei.
They were both smiling at me. My heart felt really happy.

"BRAVO! Well done! That song was perfect! It was the mixture of sadness, love, and happiness! They were blended so well that I couldn't explain the emotion that was born inside of me!" Saotome then struck another pose. He jumped into the air and landed on the stage. I don't know how he can do that. That was cool.

"Congratulations! You have passed the test! You are accepted into Saotome Academy!" once again, he struck a pose.

I stood up immediately and bowed. "Thank you! Thank you very much! I will give it my all!"
I was so happy that I didn't know what else to say or do. I was just too happy.

Saotome-sensei gave me my acceptance letter and I said my farewells to him and to Tsukimiya-sensei and Hyuga-sensei.

"See you this coming school year!" Tsukimiya-sensei shouted.

I smiled and waved at her and went on my way home.

As I sat there in the train under this dark night sky filled with stars, all I did was smile until I reached home with my acceptance letter in my coat pocket.

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