Entry #1

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My eyes stilled burned from the smoke that engulfed and swallowed our house. Mary, my wife, and everything we ever loved was tarnished and to never be replaced. The only thing I still had left were the clothes on my back and my rusty impala. My boys, dean and sam, were people I couldnt live without. As much as I choose to be a tough lover I love them no what happens. Dean approached me with his arms strecthed out. Standing from the carpet like couch I knealt to my son's level and tapped my forehead to his. Dean grabbed my face with tiny fingers as I closed my eyes and took in his scent. Just I thought he smelled like the flames. Quickly my eyes shot open and and I sat on the hard wood floor.

"Are you okay buddy?" I asked hestiantly.

"When is mom coming? Is she okay?" Dean spulrted out sadly.

I grabbed Dean's hand and looked at him in his eyes. His face dropped when I didnt awnser the question. His eyes shrivled up along with his mouth turning to an open frown. Tears flew down his cheeks as wrapped and pulled him to my chest. He wailed into my shoulder with snot and tears used his face as a platte to mix themselves on. I tried my very best to not cry but i felt the tightness and shakiness fight my thoart and hands. All I could do was "shh its okay" him but to be honest I needed someone to do that to me. Sam gurgled after Dean settled to sniffles. Lifting Sam I showed Dean how brave sammy was not to cry. That if sammy could do it he could too.

"Dad, what are we gonna do?" He stared

"Im going to be your dad just as i always have been and you along with your brother will live your lives to the fullest."

Dean smiled slightly. I put my lips to his hair and kissed his head doing the same to Sam.

"Come on Dean. How about we try to get some rest." I encouraged

Dean whimpered at the view of two beds in the room. I pushed his body the other way so he looked at my bed. He struggled to climb on just as much as i did with a baby in my hands. Gently laying sam on my chest I flicked the light of as we all found comfort in not the bed but eachother.

- John

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2017 ⏰

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