Dreaming~Nam Joo Hyuk Fluff

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Your mouth hung open as you stared at the script in front of you. Your eyes were staring at one name, that was said to be your co-worker for this drama.

His name was Nam Joo Hyuk. You couldn't believe your luck. You've always wanted to work on a drama with him. You thought he was a great actor, and you admired his work.

Even though he was an up and coming actor, he was great at his job. Honestly you were a rookie actress as well, and you were hoping this drama could be your big break.

It was the first time you were playing a lead character, and you were excited, really nervous as well, but mostly excited. You were even more excited learning who your co-workers would be. Nam Joo Hyuk, Park Shin Hye, and Lee Min Ho.

It was an all star cast, and you were honoured to be apart of this drama. You were honoured to be apart of any drama that you got casted in.

You looked over at your manager and smiled at him. "So when do I get to meet them?" You asked him excitedly.

He chuckled softly. "Well, tomorrow I'm pretty sure. You'll have to look over the script tonight, and you'll have a script reading with all the cast members tomorrow morning." He told you as he looked down to check the time on his phone.

You squealed excitedly. "Really? I get to meet him tomorrow?" Your manager gave you a knowing look as you blushed. "I-I mean I get to meet everyone tomorrow?" You asked softly.

Your manager smiled. "Yes, you get to meet him and all the others tomorrow." He confirmed for you once again. Your blush deepened as you stared at your lap.

A lot of people knew that you admired Nam Joo Hyuk as a person. You weren't afraid to say it on variety shows or interviews when they asked who you liked. Nam Joo Hyuk was almost always your answer, once in awhile you would change it up a bit and say Kim Young Kwang. You also liked him as well, but Nam Joo Hyuk was always your number one.

After a couple hours of reading the script and starting to memorize your lines you looked at the clock. Your eyes widened when you saw what time it actually was. It was a little past one in the morning. You looked around your apartment and noticed that your manager had left as well.

You sighed and stood up from the couch. You groaned as you stretched your limbs. After sitting for hours it felt good to stretch your limbs.

You went to your kitchen and grabbed a glass, to fill it up with water. As you filled your cup up you thought about tomorrow, well today, and how exciting it was going to be.

You took a drink from your cup. As you set your cup down you decided it was time to get some sleep. If you could even sleep. You were so excited.

You walked to your bedroom, opened your closet, got your pyjamas out and changed into them. As you snuggled into your blankets you thought about the day to come, and sleep soon took over you.

You awoke to your alarm going off. You groaned and slowly got out of bed. It felt like you didn't get any sleep at all. You rubbed the sleep out of your eyes as you made your way to the bathroom.

You brushed your teeth, and your hair before heading out into your bedroom again to get your clothes out for the day.

As you stared at the clothes in your closet you tried to decide what you wanted to wear.

After about three minutes of staring at your closet, you decided to wear a black crop top with a pair of high waisted black jeans and a red and black plaid shirt.

As you finished getting dressed you looked in the mirror, and started your makeup. It didn't take you very long to do since you only put on some eye shadow and eyeliner. You put your hair up in a messy bun, and grabbed some fake glasses to finish off your look.

Satisfied with the result you smiled and stood up. You walked into your living room and grabbed your script and car keys. You wanted to drive there yourself and meet your manager there.

As you pulled up to the building the nerves in your stomach started to intensify. You took a deep breath before you got out of your car. "I can do this." You whispered to yourself.

You walked into the building with a smile. You looked around and saw your manager waving at you. You quickly walked over to him and smiled at him.

He chuckled. "You ready for this?" He asked you. You nodded. "I can do this." You told him. He chuckled once again. "Well let's get going then. I think you and Park Shin Hye just have go in. Every one else is in the room." He told you.

Your eyes widened. This was really happening. You were actually going to meet Nam Joo Hyuk. You squealed as you started heading towards the room.

You immediately stopped as you got face to face with the door to the reading room. You took a deep breath trying to calm your nerves before opening the door.

You grabbed the handle of the door and slowly turn it. You opened the door and walked inside. Your eyes immediately met with him. Nam Joo Hyuk was actually here.

You immediately bowed and greeted Nam Joo Hyuk, Seo In Guk and the rest of the crew. They all greeted you back with smiles.

You breathed out a sigh of relief, and looked around. "Y/N could you please take a seat next to Joo Hyuk please?" The director asked you.

You immediately nodded. "Sure." You smiled as you made your way over to the empty seat. As you sat down you smiled at Joo Hyuk. He returned the smile.

Your heart fluttered at seeing him smile at you.

After a couple hours of reading the script the director told everyone it was time for a break. Everyone stood up and headed out of the reading room.

As you were about to stand up, a hand gently grabbed your wrist, causing you to look down. It was Joo Hyuk.

"Would it be okay if we got lunch together?" He asked you softly. You blushed at his question. Nam Joo Hyuk wanted to have lunch with you.

You smiled and nodded. "O-Of course, I'd be happy to have lunch with you." You told him softly.

He smiled brightly. "Great! Let's go." He said as he gently pulled you out of the room. You laughed lightly as you followed him.

You both sat down and ordered some food. "Y/N I'm really glad we both got casted to do this drama. It gives me an excuse to finally talk to you." He told you as he looked into your eyes.

You blushed and looked down at the table. "R-Really?" You ask softly, not really believing him.

"Yeah. Ever since you said my name the first time as your ideal type. Well if I'm being honest, you caught my eye before that, but when you kept saying my name it gave me confidence that you actually liked me too." He told you, causing you to look up with wide eyes.

"You like me?" You asked him. He chuckled. "Of course I like you." He mumbled as he gently grabbed your hand.

You smiled widely at him. "I really like you." You told him. "I've always admired you, as you may know." You told him as you laughed softly.

He chuckled. "Well, do you think we could give us a try?" He asked you softly, gently rubbing your hand with his thumb.

You looked around before leaning over the table and giving him a quick kiss. "Does that answer your question?" You asked as you smiled widely at him.

He laughed. "Yeah I think it does." He answered fondly.

You blushed. You couldn't believe that your dream came true. The guy of your dreams just asked you to be his. Could it get any better than that?

You stared at him fondly. Nothing could be any better than being with him.

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