Road Trip: Chapter Twelve

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Nuzzling my face into his neck, we lay on the cold bathroom tiles, naked and sweaty and satisfied.

"I need to explain. I got that number from your phone when you were sleeping. I never spoke to her after we first kissed, and I never will, okay? I told you- you're mine, and I'm yours," He murmured into my hair. Usually, I would put up more of an argument, but I'd missed him so much, and I believed him- I really did. Nodding, I placed a soft kiss to his chest, smirking when I felt him twitch against my thigh. Pulling myself up off the bathroom floor, I swung my leg over him stomach, positioning myself back on him. We both let out grunts as I slid down slowly, throwing my head back as he entered me.

"Talk later," is all I muttered before I began to really move.

Padding my way into the kitchen the next morning, I stretched out my arm, letting a small yawn escape my lips. Sat around the kitchen table, Sylvia, George, Mom and Lucille were tucking into breakfast. We'd had a close call last night- Molly had come up to see where Logan and I had disappeared too. Thankfully, we had redressed and were making our way out of the bathroom. As far as she and the rest of the family were concerned, we'd made up from our little spat. Which was true- they just didn't know how we'd made up.

Returning a smile to all their greetings, I grabbed a slice of toast from the middle of the table, taking a seat on the plush white leather seats. Lucille leant over and picked up the jam, offering it to me, I accepted it with a smile.

"Where's everyone else?" I asked, spreading the jam evenly on my toast.

"Matt took Grace to the grocery store, Grant's at work, and Logan took Molly down to the pier," My Mom answered, sending me a small smile. Nodding, I took a bite of my toast. Damn, this was good jam.

We all chatted idly for a while, Sylvia and George asked how we'd all slept, we discussed plans for the rest of the day, and when Grant had walked in I'd given him a polite smile but made sure to engage in no other contact. No pointing rocking the boat after we'd just got it in safe waters, eh?

Not long after Grant had returned, Molly and Logan came bounding into the kitchen.

"Hey B, we need to-" Molly started, but was interrupted by the ding of my phone. Looking down at the deice next to me on the table, I saw one name: Katie.

"Will you excuse me a sec?" I asked Molly, but I didn't really give her the opportunity to answer as I practically ran out of the kitchen.

Swiping open my phone, I read her text.

Katie: Hey B! Missing u loads. I hope ur having a great time! do u think u will make it 2 the party?xxx

I knew that she didn't know what was happening with me and Logan, but it still made my blood boil. And regardless of that, she knew I didn't want her messaging him full stop- how awkward would it have been if they'd of broken up- it's not like she would have still come round to my place. And Nick! How could she do that to him?

Me: Probably not.

Katie: Awhh why not?? quick question but r u still with Logan? has he lost his phone or something?xxx

Me: Nope. He's on his phone rn I think

Katie: oh right. who's he texting?

Me: whats it to you?

Katie: I'm just wondering, chill. whats got ur panties in a twist?

I paused, wondering what to say. I could reply with a simple 'you' and then block her number, but that would raise suspicion. Letting out a groan, I ran my fingers through my hair. Next think I knew, Logan's arms were wrapped around me and he was pulling me to his chest, his chin resting on top of my head. Sighing, I leaned into him, loving the warmth he gave me.

"What's wrong, doll?" He murmured, his lips moving against my hair.

"Katie" I grumbled, letting a scowl take over my face. Letting out a sigh, he reached out to gab my phone, skimming over the texts. Once he was finished, he locked the phone and shoved it into his back pocket.

"Come on, were going for a walk," Was all he said, taking my hand in his and pulling me towards the front door. We paused for a second whilst I slipped my feet into some flip flops, before making our way onto the front lawn and out down the street.

"You have a nice time at the pier?" I asked, looking up at him. I had to squint slightly to see his face- the sun was damn bright around here. Shrugging, he reached sideways and entwined my fingers with his own. A small smile creeped onto my face.

"It was alright. Molly wanted to check out some rumour about a bonfire tonight. I would've had more fun with you, though." He said, sending me a smile. I could feel the blush making its way onto my cheeks.

"Shut up. You would've had more fun finding places for us to have sex, is all," I scoffed. As soon as I said it, Logan brought our bodies to a stop, tugging on my arm so I turned to face him.

"Do you honestly think that?" He questioned, pulling me closer to him before trailing his finger down the side of my face, cupping my cheek. "Don't get me wrong, doll. I love having sex with you. But that's not the only reason I wanna spend time with you. I think you're beautiful- inside and out. You're feisty as hell and no girl has ever made me laugh the way you do. You're smart and you're strong. I am defiantly attracted to your body, doll. But I'm attracted to what's inside you, too." He finished, sending me a smile. The dimple in the left side of his cheek was showing, and I bit my lip, smiling. Going up on my tiptoes, I waited for him to lean down a bit before placing my lips on his, wrapping my arms around his neck.

Pulling away, he leant forward to peck my nose.

"Come on, then. Let's go." He murmured, patting my butt and continuing to walk.

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