Flamestriker 45 (Emily) Saving Little Shadow

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Emily loved Gormlings, and she was especially happy when she heard that a Gormling Adoption center had been opened. She left her home to adopt a Gormling. Her friends, Rachel, Matt, Taluja, and Hana had already adopted their own Gormlings and had suggested that she adopt one to

(Emily's POV) I walked in and was greeted by something flying into my arms. It was a winged shadow Gormling and she was covered in scratches. I gasped and held her close. I ran in angry to the man behind the desk. He saw the little Gormling and gasped. I explained that she had been thrown into my arms like this. He called 911 as the little one was barely breathing. He explained that her name was Tigris and that she had fatal scratches and asthma at the same time. We both found out that one of the employee had done this, who was later on fired from his job and arrested for trying to and nearly killing a kid. I stayed near her side the whole time. I bandaged her up and gave her CPR til the paramedics arrived with an Ambulance. Tigris was taken to the hospital and they let me stay with her. while she was asleep, I could of sworn I heard her call me 'mama' A few weeks later she was released from the Hospital. When I arrived at the center Tigris flew into my arms. That's when she came... The town rich girl. "Ugh why do you want to be with her?" She asked reaching for Tigris. Tigris then flew out of my arms and hid. "Because, if it wasn't for this young lady, Tigris wouldn't be alive." The man behind the desk said. She then huffed and stormed out of the building. Tigris then flew back into my arms, and said, "Mommy." I chuckled and filled out the adoption papers.

(Tigris's POV) I was so sure I was going to die. But mama saved me. I let her carry me  as we walked home.


(Emily's POV) I held my Gormling close as she curled up against me. I heard her say, "I love you mommy." I chuckled. "I love you to... my little Shadow."

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