"His Coronation"

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It was finally the day. The day he was going to be crowned king. She thought.

The girls name was Beatrice. She had brown hair, hazelnut eyes and a hideous scar that reached from the corner of her lip to her cheek bone.

Beatrice was in her room getting ready for the coronation. Her room consisted of a bed, two bed side tables, a wardrobe next to her bed and a window. She did not spend much time in her room so it was fine for her if it was a bit bare.

She and her maid were standing in front of the wardrobe. Beatrice's maid was tying a ribbon around the back of her dress. The dress was a mixture of reds, yellows and the color orange. The bottom part was very fluffy and airy. The top part was a bodice with the back being a lace corset resembling the victorian era.

With her arm raised she looked at a face on the holographic screen. The face had red hair and scarlet eyes with a gentle look in his face. A gentle smile crept on her face. She was looking at her favorite person. Albert. Albert was soon to be king.

"How long have you been looking at that picture" said the maid tying the last bit of lace around her waist. Beatrice snapped out of her thoughts and focused on the maid. "Are you done yet Anastasia?" She said putting the screen away annoyed at the comment. Anastasia tied the ribbon into a bow and stood up. " I hope your happy with it." Anastasia responded not caring much for what the queen thought of her.

A knock came on the door. " We should leave in 15 minutes." someone politely mentioned. Anastasia walked away quickly and quietly her bright pink hair jumping on her back. Beatrice turned to face the man in his thirties at the doorway. Her smile had faded already. " Is the car ready William? " Beatrice asked with her cold eyes peering into him. "Yes milady" William answered his blue eyes shining behind his black hair. " Lets get a move on then." she was already walking outside.

William quickly followed her moving to her side. " Will all of the leaders be there? I could have a interesting conversation with them. Last time we met in person was on my coronation. I want to see how much they have changed." They were nearing a car. William pulled out his screen and looked at the guest list he had gotten her. " If this is correct then Mary, Margaret, Florence, John, George and Charles will attend the party ." William said before they got into the car.

William usually sat in front of her. Today was also a day when he sat on front of her. They were both silent has the car started to move. Beatrice was looking out of the window at the landscape. A forrest passed her by. " Did the fitting go well?" William asked this time with a warm smile. He had known her since she was seven. When he started to work at the castle as her bodyguard. " It went well with no mishaps or disturbances." She shrugged. She sighed after a minute or so " I'm sorry but i'm not in the mood to talk right now. I just got alot on my mind." she said trying to be polite. " i completely understand." William was a bit disappointed although.

I wonder if Elizabeth will be there She thought to herself. She probably will be there. She has been close to Albert for a while now. She poses a threat to me and Albert. She probably just charmed him with her looks. Beatrice was gritting her teeth just thinking about her. Because of the scar you could see her teeth, her gritting teeth. Elizabeth could never deserve Albert. She has no character or personality, shes just the daughter of rich man and she just charmes him for expensive gifts. Plus Albert has a better taste in women. She took in a deep breath and let it all out. William looked at her but soon turned away again. I need to think of something else. She was searching for another topic not as maddening.

She decided to think of the event itself. There would be good food, new contacts to meet and most importantly Albert would be there. She could see him in his formal wear and he could see hers. If the event was going to be like a ball he would most likely have to dance with Beatrice. William broke her train of thought with a " Were almost there." He probably did not mean to but he did.

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