× Intro ×

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"You really wanna be a secretary Sunhee ?"

"Yes, - she said as she tried to dry down her wet purple blouse with the paper towel - I'm sure I can do a very good job as your typist sir, - and she still continued to struggle around helplessly.

Mr. Lim was watching her poor excuse of a blouse all soaked from the water dispenser she tried to refill earlier, when he asked her to make him a cup of coffee. Sad attempt also because she had put too much sugar in the damn thing and now he was in a foul mood.

But none of that mattered because this little twink was patting her breasts in such a way that he found it impossible not to shift on his seat.

"Well to be totally honest with you Sunhee, you've scored higher than anyone that I've interviewed till now. I believe the term is overqualified. Because all I want is a typist. Who comes to work on time and answers the phone and makes coffee.

"I can do that!"

 "And we only use type-writers here not computers. Frankly, it's a boring job."

"I wanna be bored" she answered in a very expectant but blunt way. That caught Mr. Lim off guard. 

He straightened on his seat and watched her. Tall, long legged, dark unruly hair and a pair of big childish eyes which seemed to be very outta place for a lawyer's secretary. Her whole attire and attitude needed to be reformed.

Just then the phone rang.

"I'm not here" he said to her and got up abruptly and made for the door.

"and Sunhee, - he turned and glanced at her - I like heels and tight skirts"


so here we are kids. Another one.

but this is totally straight. Meaning no BxB this time.

as always, I don't play around when I say this is mature content!

Self harm in some parts

Kinks, as in the real fucking deal not just the daddy thing

a true BDSM story and relationship.


but as yall know,

I REALLY do suck at updates.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2017 ⏰

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