"We will see, dear brother, how long it will take to beat the almighty Aundray!"
 They were laughing and having fun as they realized the cold air around them.
"Lets go inside, it's getting quite cold." Aundray said leading his sister inside their little town house in the middle of Paris. It was the perfect size for two young people to be together or apart if needed.

As they went inside they quickly parted to change into their daily  clothes. It was early in the morning and they usually started their day with a training session of fencing. Today was no exception. Her brother insisted on teaching her swordsmanship and she didn't complain, although it was usually not something a woman had the privilege to do.

But Laurette was not just some girl. She had a pretty face and innocent smile. But behind these eyes was a fire, and if you did not look out you would get burned.

 At a young age she learned the harsh reality of life she was sheltered from by her parents. But as  they were gone she came to realize, life isn't so easy as it seamed. 

After the siblings were sent away they had to live in the of a distant cousin of their father. It wasn't a place of happiness and especially not  of kindness.  After her Parents left them and abandoned them she never heard from them again, except the money that was sent to the cousin and now directly to her brother after he turned 18 and started to live on his own taking his sister with him. The siblings never really talk about the past but she knew  her brother was keeping secrets from her about it. Every time she tried to squeeze it out of him he would answer that she will find out soon enough. She waited ten years nearly eleven and now she lost hope of ever finding out. But deep inside there was a longing to find out why they suddenly left her and her brother behind, to fight for themselves.And she still wore the locket her mother gave her.

 She did not even know why, she just could never take it off.

As  Laurette arrived in her room, she quickly took off her training clothes which consisted of a white tunic and black trousers, quickly washed of the perspiration and changed into a  cream colored dress with black detail, and headed downstairs.

Aundray already sitting at the kitchen-table, eating bread, drinking tea and reading newspaper.

Laurette slid into the opposite seat from him pouring herself some tea.

"So, what do you have planned today Laurette?"

"oh, you know nothing out of ordinary, meeting men, drinking a little,..."

As he realized what she said, he started to glare at her, she only giggled.

"Well, what are you doing today?"

While finishing of his tea he replied:

"I have to go to university today, it will take quite some time."

With these words he stood up and headed toward her with a cheeky grin:

" And this is why I must leave now" He gave her a kiss on her forehead, but before he could leave she interrupted.

" I will come with you I have to visit friends"

She drank the last sip of tea and stood up. She quickly took a napkin and wrapped some toast and brioche in it stuffing it into a pocket in her dress. The lazy grin on Aundray's face quickly faded into a nervous expression.

She could not help but laugh at his awkward facial expression.

"Oh Aundray, do I make you nervous?"

" Pfff, no why should you!"

He quickly headed toward the entrance, waiting for her there.

Laurette was growing suspicious. Why was he reacting this way, so suddenly?

She took her shawl, heading towards her brother, taking his arm and both headed  outside.

The fresh air whipping into both of their faces, and they were greeted by the sounds and smells of a morning in Paris. The streets of Paris starting to fill up as its was only 7:30 in the morning. Shops were opening and people started to head to work. Laurette looking around searching for a little scrubby figure, while walking towards the main road. In the corner she soon recognized the little blond-haired boy. 

" Aundray, I need to go now, I will see you later..."

She slipped out of the grasp of her brother and headed toward the corner where the little boy was standing.

" good day Young man, I believe we have an appointment...as always"

the little boy turned around with a wide grin. he bowed clumsily, mockingly

"At your service, Madam"

she laughed and crouched down toward  him 

" Well Gavroche, nice to see you again, although we do see each other quite often"

" Well, we hav an meetin every day"

She had a soft spot for the little boy, she knew how hard it was to survive in such harsh conditions, and it was even harder to stay so positive, as little Gavroche.

"Yes I believe we do"

She smiled at him 

Taking out the  bundle of food pressing it inside his hand, but before she could retract her hand she  was distracted by the familiar figure talking to another. Her brother was standing there talking fervently to another man,  all the while  looking left and right to see if somebody was watching.

What on earth is he doing, and why is he so nervous?

suddenly she was pulled back into the current conversation with her little companion

"Laurette, whatcha staring at?"

Gavroche turning to see what was so interesting. But as she tried to relocate where the conversation was held between her brother and the man, both disappeared. 

"Nothing of importance, I just thought I saw someone familiar"

What was he doing, and what is he hiding?

Authors note

Hi guys!

It's me!!!

I know , I know  it isn't the best..actually far from it but I am not yet accustomed with writing my own stuff so please bear with me!

If you like this story so far I would really appreciate feedback and support, how I could do stuff better, you know.

Oh well ...

hope you are well

Lizzie XOXO

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2017 ⏰

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