When All Else Fails

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 Hi, I'm Amanda and I like to say I'm a typical teenager. Well for the most part; except I can see ghost. I wasn't always this, not until my accident. A year ago I was in my first car accident, I was hit my this drunk driver. That asshole. Anyways ,due to my own recklessness and not wearing my seat belt I flew through the windowsill. I was on my way home from work around five pm. I was hospitalized for about three weeks. I'd lost my memory, however now I know that's not all I had lost that day, I had lost my sanity too.

I live at home with: my mother Ashlee, my dad John, and  my brother Jack. I like to think I have a normal family with a normal life, except I'm the odd ball of my family. I spend my time going to school, socializing with friends and work. I wouldn't say I'm ugly but I'm definitely not super model neither. I'm 5'4, I have long wavy auburn hair, which I love, I do have a slim figure, I not flat chested like most girls but that does attract a lot of unwanted attention from lame horn dogs. They might as well hold up a sign saying " I'm desperate"

Today is the last day of summer then I'll be forced to return to school and spend long countless hours learning things I wont use or remember long enough. Sometimes I question the fact that we learn pointless things. Why don't they teach us something we need.

All summer I spent most of my time in therapy to regain my memory and making sure no harm has really come upon me. I don't bother telling them I see ghost and not just any ghost: depressed, annoying, loud ghost.

The fact that I'm harassed constantly by these ghost  is such a bother.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2014 ⏰

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