Fight and Flight

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☃️ Your POV ☃️

I stumbled out into a place where lightning was striking the ground everywhere. It didn't seem to affect me though, or Lucretia.

"Lucretia, I already told you, I'd never join you! Ever!" I shouted.

"Oh I know what you told me." Lucretia replied, using her powers to strap me up into a chair which I couldn't break free from. "But I know something that might change your mind."

"You already know your dear Jack had a nightmare, where I said I knew his worst fear, and I could make it come true. Well, I know yours too, and I could make it real." she said, her lightning striking the ground more.

"W-what?! No you don't!" I said unconvincingly. "Plus, you said you just wanted me! So why'd you ask Jack to join your side."

"Because then that'd drag you to me." as soon as Lucretia said that, I saw a vision of Jack and the Guardians outside this place. Don't ask how I knew where they were.

"What's so important about me anyways? I'm just a normal guardian! Like the rest of them." I said, gaining my confidence back.

"Oh but your more powerful. And your power plus my fear.... just imagine that." Lucretia said.

"But what if I don't join you? No matter what you do, what if it doesn't work? Then what?!" I exclaimed.

"But I'm sure you'd join me if your friends lives were on the line. All your friends." said Lucretia, showing me a hologram of all the guardians, and my friends Raven and Jamie.

"Especially Frost Boy over here." The others holograms disappeared and it left Jack's.

Suddenly, there was a crash from my left and the wall broke down. My head darted there, and I saw all 5 guardians standing there.

Everyone went to attack Lucretia, but Sandy came to me and freed me from the chair with his whips.

"Thanks Sandy." I said, smiling while floating. Sandy nodded with a smile as the two of us went to the other guardians.

Tooth, me and Jack flew above Lucretia, while the other 3 attacked Lucretia from below.

"Hey Lucretia!" shouted Jack, causing her head to dart up. "Heads up!" And he shot frost at her.

She stood still for a few seconds, until her lightning blasted the frost off her.

"You think a little frost can stop me?!" she chuckled, and her lightning dragged me down, forcing me to stand beside her.

"Anyone make any sudden movements, and Y/N dies."

"But you wouldn't kill her! You yourself said you needed her." pictured Sandy.

"Well, it came down to this anyways, so I gotta do what I gotta do." she said, and pulled me close to her.

Then she somehow made a long but shallow cut on my back. I screamed out in pain, but no one moved since they didn't want this to get worse.

Then she pushed me forward, and Jack caught me before I fell down.

And that's when I passed out.

I woke up in Jack's room at the workshop, and saw Jack sleeping on a chair while holding my hand.

I tried getting up without waking Jack up too, but he stirred awake.

"Y-Y/N?" he asked, blinking.

"Yup?" I asked in response, smiling.

"Y/N! Your ok!" Jack exclaimed, hugging me.

"Owch!" I shouted, and he immediately let me go.

"Sorry, I kinda forgot about that cut on your back." he said, scratching the back of his neck.

"It's ok. How long was I out?" I asked, stretching awake.

"Almost 2 days." Jack replied, standing up with me.

I tried floating, but I couldn't.

"Wait, why can't I fly?" I exclaimed, trying again.

"That's actually the main reason why Lucretia cut your back. North did some researching, and he figured out that if you cut anybody who can fly's back, then it kinda stops them from flying. But it's not permanent. He said you'll be able to fly again in a month, tops." Jack explained, leading me outside to get a snack.

"Oh ok thanks." I replied. "But why were you sleeping on the chair beside me? Did something happen to your bed?"

He blushed, but replied. "I just wanted to keep you safe. I couldn't protect you last time, so I wanted to protect you now."

I blushed, but muttered a quiet thanks.

And then raided the fridge.

Jack Frost x Reader~ My Snowflake {Wattys2017}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz