Chapter 1

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"You're pathetic," his chest was so close it was touching mine. "Just fucking hit her already," a girl said from the crowd, and just like that his fist met my face. Everyone began to laugh as I was getting the air kicked out of me, I started to feel the warmth of my blood slowly fall down my face.

"Leave me alone, I hate myself, I hate life." I manage to yell through the roughness of my throat. "Do I look thing I fucking care." He said back, as he kept kicking my now numb stomach. Then it all stopped, and I heard the pattering of everyone walking away. While I was left on the cold, hard ground. I finally brought myself up and headed towards the door. The cold air greeted my skin the wind flowing through my tangled hair. As I started Walking home. Thoughts ran through my head all at once, making me dazed. I finally made it home, my hand on the door nob, overhearing my mom and dad fighting as usual. I opened the door and shut it lightly in hopes of not interrupting whatever they were fighting about, and ran upstairs. I threw my jacket on my rough bedroom floor and fell on my bed. With tears in my tired eyes and suicide on my mind.

I stayed in my room overhearing my parents arguing, "How long can they fight and keep it up until 6 in the fucking morning." Soon silent filled the house for the first time in 13 years. And everything seemed calm, but not for me. My mind kept spinning with thoughts that brought the worst from me.

The worst it's brought outta me was me pulling the blade to my skin. Now my body is a mess just like my mind. I lay on my soft, warm bed wondering why must it be me. Why must my life suck, why does everyone hate me, why can't I be happy.......


I hope you like the story so far. Just a heads up, I do not own the story. This is a story my friend Illiana made, or I should say making. She is currently working on chapter 4, so bear with me here. Also, I do not own the picture. Anyway, until next time :).

Next update will be on: March 22 or 23

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