Joy Ride.

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Alright, it's back after a little bit of tweeking and playing around. So I hope y'all enjoy Joy Ride.

This is a story about a boy and a girl versus the rest of the world. This is the story of their friendship and love for one and other. But this isn’t a cliché love story about forbidden love. This is a story about life and death, love and tragedy; a boy and a girl trying to find themselves in the world before it’s too late.

Frank Iero is an eighteen year old wannabe musician from a broken home. He doesn’t like being in one place for too long and he doesn’t want a family. He fears he’s too much like his father and refuses to put a child through the hell he went through.

Eliese Sullivan is an eighteen year old writer, she wants to become a journalist. She too comes from a broken home but she never knew her father. Eliese always wanted to know who her father was and why he left but her mother has refused. Eliese has a secret. Eliese is dying and she doesn’t want to leave her best friend, Frank in the mental state he’s in at the moment. So she decides that they’re going to go on a road trip adventure with their other friends to find Eliese’s dad. But along the way they find themselves and who they really are.

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