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John Scott ? Oh god. Poor Krisanta.....


"Are you alright ? " Kirstin said. She's staying here in my flat or I mean they're staying here in my flat for this night. But their flats are just abreast with my flat -_- . Well at least Zayn is here (: 

"Yea. I'm fine. Its just too crowded in here. Why don't you guys sleep in your flat ? Leave Zayn here . I have something to say to him. Thanks. Lav yah! " I said. Haha! (: . Then they all leave.


"Hey love ? What are you going to say ?" Zayn said. He's eyes. I still can't believe that he's my boyfriend (:

"Uhm. Please don't tell them this? Please ?"  I said... 

"Of course. What is it?" Zayn said. He looks nervous. Why ?

"Uhhm. John Scott... " I said. 

"What ?! What about him?" Zayn said. What the ?! Is he thinking .....? He's face is turning red.

"Wait . Are you thinking that I'm cheating on you? No way. " I said . Oh he's so cute when he gets jealous.

"If not.. What ?" Zayn said. And now he looks normal (:

"Uhh. He's my ex boyfriend. And I'm the other woman. " I said. My hands are really sweaty.. 

"What ? How? Tell me. " Zayn said. I thought he will get angry. Actually, He never get angry. That's another reason why I love him. (:

"Uhhm. This is the whole story......

John Scott, Dani's right. He's like perfect. But remember when he's not texting Kris ? He's courting me. He said that he doesn't have any girlfriend and I'm his only one. The other day, I said yes! We're always happy. The days passed by, Our relationship is getting cold.  He's changing. Everything's changing. Then, A few weeks later, I borrowed his phone and saw a sweet conversation. At first I thought it was ours but then it's not my texts. And we break up. So, that's all. Are you mad ?" I said. But still, I admit it, It's still hurting me when I remember those days. Well, at least now I have Zayn.

"No I'm not. He's a stupid worthless guy. Poor Kris. She really loved John more than herself . YOu need to tell her the truth." He said and he hold my hands.

"Thank you babe. Yes he is. I'm very thankful that you're now my boyfriend. But what if she get mad at me ?" I said and My hands are really sweaty.

"Let her. It's her choice. If she will  understand it and forgive you or she will get mad at you. Just face your problems and remember that I'm always here for you. " He said. He's so sweet ❤

"Thank you so much Babe. I love you! " I said.  And. I kissed him on his cheeks .

"It's nothing. I love you more. Maybe You should tell it to her tomorrow.  " He said. Woah. Haha! 

"Oh. Okay? Maybe we should sleep? " I said. I am really tired.

"Yes. I will sleep in the other room?? " He said but his face is like 'I want to sleep beside you '

"I'm sorry honey but Yes! " I said.

"Okay. Good Night baby. Or I mean Good Mornight! Love you! " He said.  We go to sleep.

Niall ((POV ))

I can't sleep! Maybe I'm over thinking. I'm going to kill that guy! I will find him. I wish I was beside her..

*door opens*

"Hey bro. Why are you still awake?" Liam said and he  sit beside me.

"I just can't. I'm thinking about her. Is she okay? I don't want to see girls getting hurt specially the one that I love.".I said. She is my first love. I can't handle it.

"Everything will be okay.. Go, sleep. It's really late. I'm going back to Danielle. Bye. " He said and leave.

I hope so . I hope that everything will be fine specially the feelings of Kris.


Hi guys! I'm really sorry. I've been very busy. This is short. I'm sorry! Please do like it. And wait for the next chapter! I'm going to make it great. (PS: please don't expect too much ) love yah guys!! Thanks xx

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