Ten/Getting Ready

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Finns POV
I wake up and Millie puts her head on my chest.
"Morning Finnie." She says to me.
"Good morning princess." I say smiling at her.
"We are going to a party tonight." She says to me.
"Oh really?" I say sarcastically
We hear knocking on the door.
"Hey Millie!" Caleb screams from outside.
"One second Caleb." I say and walk over to the door unlocking it. He walks in and sits down on the wooden chair.
"Are you guys going to the party tonight?" He asks us.
"Yeah." Millie answers back.
"Okay cool I was just asking." He says and stands up smiling at Millie.
----------(Time Skip)--------
Millie's POV
I got the clothes I wanted to wear and went into the bathroom. I put on a white crop-top and ripped black jeans and black Vans with a black choker. I wasn't that stylish at parties i guess.

Finns POV
I Just got dressed into a black tshirt with black jeans and black converse. I didn't wanna go all out on my clothes cause I'm probably gonna spill drinks all over my clothes.
-----(Sorry its short)-----

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