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There she was my best friend. In her red plaid skirt and white blouse with a green tie. There was nothing special about the outfit she wore, all the girls in school wore it to and so did I but mine seemed less faltering on me then it did on others. The skirt seemed to lay flatter and my hair never did my blouse justice as it was short and curly. All the others in our school had long and strait hair that seemed to lay witch ever way looked the best.

She came bounding up to me with her hands clasped behind her as she said eyes open wide with a happy cat looking grin "Good morning Ted how did ya sleep!"
"Ok." I replied in my neutral tone.
"Well I was hoping you would say something a little different like awesome or fantastic but that will do." "You wanna know how I slept?!"
She asked with wonder in her brown eyes.
"Sure I do cause if I don't you'll be bugging me about it all day." I say while I grab the insta max camera that's been hanging by my side and start taking pictures of the trees by the front of the school.
"IT WAS THE BEST SLEEP EVER!!!!." " You wanna know why?"
"Why Mae why was it the best?"
"Because i dreamt about him!"
"He was in th.." before she could finish the bell for heading to class rang and we both,well I walk she pranced.

It was lunch, and every lunch Mae and I, go to room 3A to eat sometimes with our friend ray but other times he hangs with his weird jock friends. Today of course in the middle of the class room we pushed two tables together and sat on each side. Before I began to eat I snapped a couple pics of Mae and her meal, The window, and the piano that was in the room.
"So." Mea began " how do you think I can get the boy of my dreams to ask me on a date?"
" I don't know Mae you would probably have to talk to him at least once in your life to find out his interests and things." I replied
" yeah but that's overrated girls are suppose to know what their crushes like before they officially met them, have you even read girls monthly?"
" uhhh no and I don't plan to."
" If only there was some way to know his interest without talking to him?"
" well you could always stalk him!" I said sarcastically as I played with my food.
Mea thought for a moment.
" Thats it sophie I'll get someone to stalk him for me." " so I know his fav places, food, etc... "
I almost fell off my seat the moment she said that and I just knew who she would end up asking and I know I'm the end they would say yes!...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2017 ⏰

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