Chapter One - Phone Service is NOT worth it.

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Chapter One

I awoke on a windy fall day, the breeze blowing through my windows. I grasped my glasses off my nightstand and pushed them onto my face. I sat up and yawned. I expected it to be one those slow days, like when you just sit down, and not do like... anything. Well today wasn't one of those days.

When I swept aside the curtains, there was quite the bit of traffic outside. I thought to the top of my head... what day is it? Then it appeared in my head, Minecon. I sat down, ah Minecon. What a great convention, then I realized I need to get ready... for Minecon. I leaped out of my bed, and snatched my clothes off the dresser.

I put on a simple avocado green tee, with a pair of slightly torn light wash skinny jeans. I put on my blue Aeropostale hoodie over my shirt and hurried to grab my carry-on and ran down the stairs.

After tripping down the stairs with my carry-on, and grab something to eat. I put a bagel in the toaster, and grabbed my car key. I still had to stop at my mother's house a few blocks down, since I would be gone for a while. I put some cream cheese on my bagel and hurried out of the door.

I hopped in my car, and stopped at the local gas station to get a coffee. I went in and picked up a few snacks for the ride, and completely ignoring the fact I was low on gas. I bought a large decaf coffee, and stopped at my mom's house which was only a few houses down from the gas station.

I parked in her driveway and went inside to say my goodbyes, because I would be gone for a few weeks.

"Be careful out there, you're only 19. You know what all guys have on their mind. Don't talk to any strangers, whatever situation you could possibly be in." she beckoned.

I smiled, with slight annoyance and finally replied, "Don't worry mom. I have things under my control." Although I was a bit annoyed by my mother's overprotection, but I loved her nonetheless. I was happy to have my mother care about me, even if it was a tip about not talking to strangers that I was constantly reminded about.

"How about we go for lunch?" she asked me.

"Sure." I said, I didn't have to leave until like 5:30. So we went to breakfast. I was happy it was only 9:00 am, because knowing my mother, she'd invite me to go shopping somewhere. She just hated to just sit around, so she was constantly going places.

My mother grabbed her purse off the table as we walked out her door and got into my car. We left to go eat at a small diner a few miles off.

We finished breakfast, and as I predicted, I was invited to go shopping. I decided to go, so I could just be more prepared for stuff since I would be gone for a few weeks. We finished shopping about a quarter after five, so we went back to my mother's house.

I finished saying my goodbyes to my mother and got into my car to leave. It would be an 8 hour drive... which isn't that bad. So I decided to take the back road, I sharply steered my car onto my route to the back road.

Not many people took this route. If you were fortunate... You would see another car through the woods. But that was pretty rare, I hopefully drove on the road, although the ride was pretty uneven, but the scenery was beautiful.

I drove for a while, although this route of mine wasn't very popular, it was lengthy... but still a shorter time vs. waiting in traffic. Then all of a sudden my car stopped. It didn't seem like a big deal at the moment... but when I tried to start it up, it wouldn't start. I nervously glanced at the gas gauge.. it was on, 'E'... or better known as empty. The next gas station was in like 40 miles, and of course, idiotic me forgot to get gas at the gas station. I pulled out my phone to try to call someone to come and get me, but I couldn't find service. I decided that someone might come by and I would wait.

I sat in my car for about 15 minutes, and I was starting to get fed up with sitting. So I got out to sketch. When I was out, I decided to try and get service again.

I walked just about all over the road until finally I got one bar in the middle of the road, and it was gone. I knew the best service was there, so I decided to, 'Lion King' my phone in the air to try to get service. I was standing in the middle of the road, but no one ever came this way anyway.

The sun was starting to set, and I was a bit afraid. I desperately tried to start up my car, but it just wouldn't work. I started to tear up a bit, then realized crying isn't the solution. I got out, and it was almost pitch black now. The only light I had was my phone's screen.

Soon after crying about having no service, having no car, things got worse. Suddenly a bright light shone in my eyes, nearly blinding me. All of a sudden I got hit, and I got hit very hard in my side.

A/N How did you like them apples, or words rather, I guess. First rewritten chapter of WMITIAD was almost 1k words long. Well I hope you guys liked it. :)

Shoutout to my toaster because it's flipping awesome. :3

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2014 ⏰

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