Chapter 2

292 22 5

January 21, 2013


My inside of my body.

Feels wierd.

Like I've been hit with with a ton of cars.

I hate this feeling.

I feel it everyday but...

Something just makes it different.

I just can't believe what happened yesterday. I wish all of it was a dream but it wasn't it was real life. Real fucking life. It's just everything happens the same. Everyone leaves me. Why would I even think that Joanna likes me. She's too perfect for me. She's amazing. I feel like shit. Fuck My Life.

Joanna's POV.

I feel so bad. That really hurt. The way he looked at me. He probably hates me now. I would hate me too. I do some stupid things in my life that I regret. But never this big, I wish I can rewind the clock.

I sat up all night thinking about what I did. Harry's facial expression when I told him I did it for the money keep on replaying in my head. I feel so stupid. My phone vibrated on my butt.

"I know that was hard for you to do." I got a text from Gemma. Yes it was. I had a big crush on him since last summer when Gemma and Harry went to the beach and invited me to come with. But after the accident. He couldn't remember a thing. He didn't remember a lot of things. For instance me.

"Yeah. I just feel like an ass" I replied. I waited for her to reply.. I to the kitchen and ate some of the Oreos that were on the counter. I dont even deserve these Oreos. I thought to myself.

"I'm sorry. Wanna come over tomorrow. Don't worry Harry will be gone with his friends," Harry has friends? Not to be mean or anything but I thought he was a loner. He didn't seem like the guy who would be so social.

"Sure! Sleepover?" Sleepovers helped me. They were like my bandaid to my scar. They healed me.


Harry's POV

Finally I get some alone time with my friends. Were going to the mall. All those treatments the doctor had to give me for my depression made me so sleepy. Now I get 2 days away from all of that shit. "Bye Mom ! Bye Gemma." Mom was going away for a week and Gemma was having a sleepover today. Wonder who's gonna be there.

"Hey guys. I said to them. So the mall?" They looked at me and laughed. What was so funny?

"We're going to play Soccer dude, Not to the mall who told you that lie?" Niall said. He chuckled. He patted me on my back and walked in the van.

"Aye we miss you dude." Zayn said. He sighed, "Why did you have to be home schooled again?" He asked looking out the car window.

Liam nudged Zayn's arm. "What?" Zayn said frustrated.

"Dude don't bring that up." Liam said to him.

"Oh" Zayn said. He scratched his head, "Ah nevermind."

Things got quiet after that. Awkward actually. I waited a couple seconds. I turned the radio on and our favorite song was on.

"I'm that flight that you get on, international

First class seat on my lap girl, riding comfortable

Cause I know what the girl them need, New York to Haiti

I got lipstick stamps on my passport, you make it hard to leave"

"Omg!" Louis said. "Remember when we made that dance video for this song and got like over 4 million views on it."

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