Voltron #2

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Imagine Pidge always using lime colored sticky notes for her ideas and literally screeching when someone said they were green because THEY'RE LIME GODDAMNIT.  Imagine her just carrying a stack around with her for' emergency purposes' but she just carries them around because she likes the feeling of having them in her pocket. Imagine Pidge having like 20 stacks of backups because the world will end before she runs out of sticky notes. Imagine one day Shiro asking why she carries them around and Pidge replying with "Matt" and Shiro immediately understanding because Matt used to carry them around to.  Imagine Shiro bringing out a pack of sticky notes from his room one day saying "Matt gave these to me"  and giving them to Pidge and Pidge hugging Shiro just sobbing into his shoulder.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2017 ⏰

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